Blog Tech Check WordPress Plugin

Blog Tech Guy, Joel

Blog Tech Guy, Joel

The Blog Tech Guy (aka Joel Williams) has just released a free cool WordPress plugin.

Blog Tech Check is a plugin which will check if certain conditions are met by your WordPress install, such as if specific plugins are installed, the permalink structure is not default, etc. In the current version, the following checks are made:

–    If user called “admin” is present

–    Permalink settings are not the default

–    Folder permissions are correct

–    Certain plugins installed and active

The plugin also suggests corrective actions.

It’s real simple to install and use.

I used it on my blogs and it recommended some changes, so it’s worth adding – just so you know you have certain ‘must have’ settings in place for your WordPress blog.

You can download from here:  Download Blog Tech Check

Let Joel have any feedback, as well – he’ll be pleased to hear from you.

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4 Responses to Blog Tech Check WordPress Plugin

  1. David Stillwagon August 13, 2009 at 8:57 am #

    looks good I’ll have to try it!
    .-= David Stillwagon´s last blog ..Can you still swim if you have Meniere’s disease? =-.

  2. Tony March 7, 2011 at 2:12 pm #

    Thank you for your plugin. Just download and try it now.

    • Andrew March 7, 2011 at 5:06 pm #


      Great – I hope it helps.


      • Tony March 15, 2011 at 7:15 pm #

        Sure. It help me very much.

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