50 Non-Technical Things You Must Do To Have A Great Website

great small business website

Here are 50 things you should take notice of if you want a great small business website…none of which are technical!

  1. Cut the nonsense
  2. Use your common sense
  3. Clarify your expectations
  4. Listen and take action on feedback
  5. Provide direction for your visitors
  6. Be unconventional and unique
  7. Don’t work 24/7
  8. Be generous with your advice
  9. Be tolerant (of your own mistakes)
  10. Be intolerant (of trolls!)
  11. Take a genuine interest in your visitors
  12. Express yourself (your opinions, your personality)
  13. Sell (a little) via your site
  14. Show courage
  15. Be positive
  16. Get around and be noticed
  17. Do everything you can for your customers
  18. Develop yourself
  19. Relax
  20. Be courteous
  21. Use experts
  22. Eliminate favouritism
  23. Be on the ball (know what’s important, not what’s unimportant)
  24. Read books, buy courses and go to seminars
  25. Think bottom line
  26. Make it happen (whatever IT is!)
  27. Celebrate achievement
  28. Create new things
  29. Keep your list up to date
  30. Listen to pop music, follow football, go to the cinema and eat out
  31. Provide focus for your visitors
  32. Provide a trusted shoulder to lean on – when needed
  33. Take holidays
  34. Admit your mistakes
  35. Take the initiative
  36. Be human
  37. Hire the best people
  38. Expect a lot
  39. Make tea (or coffee)
  40. Sell yourself
  41. Pursue crazy ideas
  42. Provide energy
  43. Say “Thank you”
  44. Demonstrate your beliefs
  45. Always ask your customers / visitors for feedback
  46. Practise what you preach
  47. Make yourself available
  48. Know where to draw the line
  49. Mean what you say and say what you mean
  50. Challenge yourself

What do you think?

Would you add any?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

18 Responses to 50 Non-Technical Things You Must Do To Have A Great Website

  1. Deborah Harper January 29, 2015 at 5:17 pm #

    Be yourself. Good post to go back to regularly to remind yourself to do all these things, they are important. Cheers

    • Andrew February 2, 2015 at 7:12 am #

      I agree, Debbie. Sometimes we all need reminders for even the basics things!


  2. Debbie January 30, 2015 at 1:38 pm #

    Great List Andrew. 34 is admit your mistakes, I would add, learn from those mistakes, so you don’t keep making the same ones.
    I’m for this one 41.Pursue crazy ideas. You just never know when something is going to work. And don’t let others negative remarks stop you.
    Again great list.

    • Andrew February 2, 2015 at 7:13 am #


      Yes I agree – learn from your mistakes!


  3. Sathish Arumugam February 2, 2015 at 11:31 pm #

    Hey Andrew,

    Great list. 31 providing focus to visitor to something very important i feel. It would encourage for both and build relation and share idea. Also agree with Debbie learn from your mistakes. Thanks again for the List.

    • Andrew February 3, 2015 at 7:14 am #


      Agree – very important. I must admit I find it hard to just pick one out…so many are important!


  4. Gaurav Kumar February 5, 2015 at 6:10 am #

    Thanks for sharing a good motivating list. Passion, hardwork, learning, focus and motivation when work together then anyone can get success.

  5. Tendy February 6, 2015 at 8:27 pm #

    Great list of motivations. We can also add; 51 start from scratch, never wait for anyone and 52 always dream big and the sky would be your starting point. Thanks bru.

    • Andrew May 11, 2015 at 6:58 am #

      ‘Always dream big’…that’s a great one, Tendy.

      Unfortunately most people don’t.


  6. Dade Ronan April 16, 2015 at 5:53 pm #

    Great motivation. Sometimes motivation gets overlooked, especially when you start to consider all the optimization and customization you have to do if you do not have a good theme.

  7. Carrine Bird May 7, 2015 at 8:41 pm #

    🙂 Thanks Andrew for sharing this informative post. I agree with your list like number 49: Mean what you say and say what you mean. Great post Andrew! Keep it up 🙂

  8. Mohan Nayak March 15, 2016 at 10:39 pm #

    Thanks for reminding once again. I agree that even with technical skills we cannot succeed if we don’t follow this basic rules.

  9. Karin Schroeck-Singh June 17, 2016 at 4:04 pm #

    Great list Andrew! Be generous with your advice I would say is the most important one, adding value to your audience always pays off!

  10. gudiya kumari July 26, 2016 at 4:05 am #

    hello dear Andrew
    Thanks for sharing great info. sometimes, we do need non technical skills to work better and skills like developing yourself is really very important.
    thank you

  11. Aswani December 21, 2016 at 10:58 am #

    Don’t work 24/7. I see it as a great advice. I have been meeting people who keep saying work hard and for long hours. I don’t understand why. You can do a lot better even if you have limited time and resources with you. I have worked on small business websites and never had any issue with time factor. Thanks for sharing such useful insight. Very good points.

  12. Manoj January 11, 2017 at 11:21 pm #

    Hi Andrew,

    I agree with you. These all are essential for any successful website or blog. I think admitting own mistakes is the main point among them. Anyone will make mistake. But only a good person can admit and rectify his own mistake.

    Thanks a lot for this awesome tips.

  13. Omigy February 16, 2017 at 1:01 am #

    I really like your list, Andrew. Especially the point of not working 24/7. I have to admit I did this for quite a while. But it did not work. I think working smarter is what is best. Your idea of using experts is interesting. However, experts are hard to get. I would love to find a method that attracts them like mosquitos are attracted to human blood.

    I have to say that I make tea and coffees to all that come along my place. They all love it, but very few can provide advice on what I do. Blogging is somehow a lonely thing, but meeting with other bloggers can help. I am trying to do so now.

  14. Locksmith Bognor Regis June 2, 2024 at 12:03 am #

    When you are a tradeperson like me, it’s hard to do everything! The actual work for the customer, finances, markerting, technology! I want to concentrate on what I do – my trade. The rest I outsouce.

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