outsourcingThere are many bloggers who make a full time income either by selling their services, their products, affiliate products or numerous other ways.

There are many more who earn a part-time income doing similar but…

…if you run your blog as a business and generate some income from it, have you ever worked out your hourly income?

I am going to keep this simple just to get my point across…

Let’s say, on average, each day you work 8 hours each day doing blog writing, marketing, product creation and ‘selling’.

As a blogger wanting some income you have to do all of these, right?

Let’s say your 8 hours work generates $50…that’s $5 an hour.

But some tasks you do can generate more income than others.

You’d love to do more product creation because that is what brings in the money but you have to market don’t you?

I want to share with you something that I know will enable you to spend more time creating products or doing tasks that generate more income.

Outsourcing….no please don’t stop reading…

…bear with me just for a couple more minutes.

You see some of those tasks you do like Marketing can be outsourced for $2 or $3 an hour.

You will be saving money as instead of marketing you could spend more time on creating or selling products, which will increase your daily income.

Does that make sense?

If you want to influence your blogging and start making a little more income, I’d like to share with you some excellent training videos provided by my friend, Tyrone Shum.

You can see his FREE 10-part video course on how to outsource your blogging at this link:


I’ve known Tyrone Shum for quite some time and he’s got me into outsourcing.

He’s helped train and coach hundreds of people to outsource their work and imporve their time management to focus on making money from their blogs.

If you’re still at the start-up phase of building your blog, then you may be one of the many who is struggling with the issue of how to get your blog set-up for you.

My blog and free guide show’s you how to do this step-by-step, but some people are just not comfortable with certain aspects of blogging, whether it may be technology, design, or just time constraints.

The best advice to solve this problem is to outsource your needs to someone who knows how to do it.

You can even give all my training material inside the “Income Blogging Guide” course to the person and they will do it all for you!

Get your copy of the FREE video e-course today:


So, why am I recommending Tyrone?

He’s the outsourcing expert. He hires skilled individuals who live in the Philippines to do the tech work (and a lot more) for him, so he can focus on other aspects of his business.

Tyrone’s video course compliments with my guide and it will teach you how to outsource and get other people to do things that you cannot do, or don’t want to do, yourself.

Tyrone is giving away his ten-part video course, because he wants to introduce himself by teaching you how he hires people from overseas.

In order to watch the videos, you have to go to this page and enter your name and email –


See for yourself how Tyrone Shum can help you fast-track your blogging and help you make money today.

What is your experience of outsourcing? Please share your views in the comments below.

P.S. The links above are for a free video e-course and they are affiliate links. If you were to go on and purchase Tyrone’s full outsourcing course, I would receive a commission.
