A video to inspire you to take action

You know how you always see Internet marketers selling products about how to make money online and it seems all they do is make money by teaching how to make money?

Yeah, I’m pretty skeptical too, and that’s why I like this video.

In the second half of this video Yaro Starak takes you behind the scenes of two case studies of people who are using his online marketing principles to build businesses in unique niches:

– Fran Kerr is helping people treat acne with alternative methods

– Jay Jay is a professional illusionist and magician, who teaches people his tricks using online video

You can see how they are building their lists in the video here –

The Slide Show

The start of the video is really inspiring, as Yaro takes you through a slide-show from his 8-month trip around the world.

During his trip he conducted two different membership site launches in two different countries. One of these launches alone generated $211,969 and the other resulted in a $20,000 a month income stream.

Yaro did this all while living in a different exotic city each week, traveling and running his business. Doesn’t that sound like an awesome lifestyle?

The membership site model can grant some amazing lifestyle freedoms and I’m excited by what Yaro is teaching. I like learning from people who are actually living the life they teach is possible.

Watch this video and I know you will be excited by the possibilities too:

The Slide Show

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6 Responses to A video to inspire you to take action

  1. Gerlaine October 23, 2009 at 10:00 am #

    Very interesting video. I know what project I am going to be doing next. I already have a couple products I have to finish, but after those are done I am going to concentrate on a membership site or two. Thanx for sharing.
    .-= Gerlaine´s last blog ..Lifetime Goal Series Introduction =-.

    • Andrew Rondeau October 23, 2009 at 9:49 pm #


      You are welcome! I hope it all ‘takes off’ for you!


  2. Paintball October 23, 2009 at 4:03 pm #

    Great video. I like Yaro and his message, he always has great info, but its a shame it comes at such a high price 🙂

    • Andrew Rondeau October 23, 2009 at 9:44 pm #

      It’s an excellent course and the support is excellent, so, forme, well worth the money.


  3. Gary Ashton September 12, 2011 at 2:56 pm #

    Not many would be able to afford it, but Yaro definitely knows what he is talking about. I think it will be worth it, given his track record. Thanks for sharing the video, it’s fun to learn about these things.


  1. The Lucky Bastard! - March 15, 2016

    […] Adam Wong is a typical example of how anyone, regardless or age and experience can realize their dreams if they simply just use the right strategies and take massive action. […]

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