How A Subtle But Powerful Internal Shift Can Transform Your Blog


photo credit: Andy M Taylor

If you have a blog on the go at the moment for your business, you’ll probably be looking around now and again to see if there is any way you can enhance the site, get more customers to pop along and join in your online discussions, or generate more sales from the site.

When we check out advice sites about blogging, they tend to cover off a lot of practical ways we can increase traffic and sales, but often can miss off one of the most critical aspects of blogging successyour attitude!

What Exactly Is Attitude?

You remember when you were a kid, and your parents would berate you for having a ‘poor attitude’ towards something?

Let’s say you were about to go on a family trip, and you didn’t fancy going.

So, instead of having good grace, you maybe pushed your bottom lip out and slumped about like Harry Enfield’s Kevin the teenager character.

This is normal behaviour, but it probably led to some bad feeling on that particular day.

If your parents asked you to change your attitude, though, you probably looked a bit blank.

A comment like that is up there with ‘Don’t look at me like that’ or, ‘Wipe that smile off your face’ – kind of difficult to understand because they are so indefinite as behavioural changes.

How Attitude Can Make A Real Difference To Online Business Success

So, it’s not surprising that attitude is one of the aspects of blogging that gets neglected in many of the self-help blogging guides.

Your attitude can’t be measured directly, is not immediately apparent at any given time, and yet can have such an immense impact on your overall approach to blogging that it can mean the difference between online failure and resounding success.

Attitude is important.

If you’ve ever learned any direct sales techniques, they’ll tell you again and again that you need to really believe in a successful outcome when you deal with customers.

Similarly, if you’ve done telesales, you’ll have been taught to smile down the phone when you talk.

This is because your attitude is understood by other people on a really fundamental level.

It’s picked up on when you speak, through body language, and even through the way you write and respond to your customers.

How To Practically Apply A Positive Attitude To Your Blog

In blogging, attitude can come across in a number of ways.

It could be read in how quickly you respond to a query, how passionate or enthusiastic you are when you write, or your body language when you do a video for your site.

You can enhance your attitude online in a number of ways:

  • Be confident in your niche. This means having faith that you are an expert in your field, and know what you are talking about
  • Love what you do. This will translate in to positive affirmations, enthusiasm and interest in your customers and their issues
  • Be authoritative. Don’t be afraid to make statements that you believe in, based on the knowledge you have
  • Love your blog. This comes across through updating it regularly, and spending time making it the very best site it can be as a representative of your business, online.

If you follow these four tenets for a positive attitude, you’ll find that your customers will warm to you as a knowledgeable, caring and responsive site owner.

You may also find that it’s contagious, and you’ll feel generally more positive about your blog overall!

What’s your thoughts on attitude?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

17 Responses to How A Subtle But Powerful Internal Shift Can Transform Your Blog

  1. Andrea T.H.W. May 15, 2013 at 7:41 am #

    Having a positive attitude is the first step to everything, not that, as regards blogging, with the permanent, neverending updates of Goggle is so easy. There is probably one running these days and this is really boring.

    Oh well, let’s be positive! 🙂

    • Andrew May 16, 2013 at 12:20 am #


      The approach I take with Goolge changes (and many other things) is I cannot do anything about it…so I quickly accept it and move on.


  2. Mark May 15, 2013 at 9:19 am #

    Having spent 12 years in direct sales I totally agree with the concept of a positive mental attitude and believe it can be applied to any walk of life.

    • Andrew May 16, 2013 at 12:21 am #


      I agree – it’s a shame so many people have a negative outlook. Must be a gene problem!


  3. Sudipto May 16, 2013 at 3:19 am #

    Hey Andrew,
    Nice post and Thanks for sharing this post with us. Yes, positive attitude really help us in getting success in any field but if we have negative attitude toward people it cause only cracks in relations. We all have to stick with positive attitude.

    • Andrew May 21, 2013 at 12:25 am #


      Attitude is everything! Get that posiitve and you have much more chance of success.


  4. Saanvi May 18, 2013 at 2:39 am #

    I really enjoyed the “One degree of difference” piece as it is so true that if we deviate slightly we can end up some where else or even off our game.

  5. John Mak May 19, 2013 at 5:24 am #

    Attitude is really important. Changing attitude is difficult too. I can see the difference though when I’m clear and know my daily goals, than other times when nothing’s happening.

    Well, even nothing’s happening, you have to keep moving forward. Do what you have to do, with what you have in the moment and believe things will get better at the right time. Thanks for sharing Andrew.

    • Andrew May 21, 2013 at 12:27 am #


      Attitude, belief, moving forward, goals…every thing you mention are important if you want success.


  6. Kalee May 19, 2013 at 10:42 pm #

    You could always go the opposite way, with a negative attitude to generate controversy.

    • Andrew May 21, 2013 at 12:28 am #


      Perhaps in a blog post but not in your outlook on success.


  7. Carl May 23, 2013 at 8:29 pm #

    Many bloggers forget about the basics and easily fall into these blogging traps. Being nice and social is just a possible shortcut to brand building and get engagement and respect from the rest of blogosphere.

  8. Suvendu Manna May 24, 2013 at 10:36 am #

    Excellent Post. Nowadays, we can see tips and tricks of how traffic can be improved in a blog, but seldom there is a mention of attitude. The way you have put forward your message is simply remarkable.

  9. Leena Dasot May 27, 2013 at 5:32 am #

    Hey Andrew, you have great perception. All you mentioned its not new but it is really different. The way you mentioned its simple and much easier and spread like butter on my mind so smooth. Thanks you have best solutions for my query. Thanks

  10. Tracy E Crawford June 2, 2013 at 12:37 pm #

    Great post. Related to attitude is personality. We try to write with a bit of personality, (a bit snarky, sometimes a bit of irony etc.). I feel people are looking not just for info but for some entertainment mixed in. we try to add the entertainment value by injecting some personality.

    • Andrew June 3, 2013 at 7:15 am #


      That is a great approach. Visitors do like to be entertained!


  11. Malcolm M. Thomas August 9, 2013 at 4:06 am #

    I agree, blogging is about love to what you do 🙂

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