Total Money Makeover Book Giveaway

Total-Money-MakeoverDwight Anthony who owns the blog, Achieve Financial Freedom is giving away two copies of Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover hard cover book.

Plus a third prize of Amazon vouchers. It’s pretty easy to enter, all you have to do is comment on the post.

Here’s more about the book from Amazon and it is highly rated by 650 people:

Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover

I’ve entered the contest myself and even if I don’t win, I think I shall get the book anyway.

Here’s the link to the contest: Achieve Financial Freedom

Oh and one more thing…check out his new design / theme. He is now using the WP-Prosper 1.0 Premium by Solostream Global Media.


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One Response to Total Money Makeover Book Giveaway

  1. Steve October 19, 2010 at 1:49 am #

    Nice little giveaway. I am taking Financial Peace on Thursday nights for 13 weeks and like the course for the most part. I just need to stick to the budget we have created now.

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