This is the fourth post in the new blog expert series called: Successful Corporate Blogs and we talk about a technique that many people are scared to take on board!
You see…it’s no good being a mouse online…you won’t be heard.
This is the fourth post in the new blog expert series called: Successful Corporate Blogs and we talk about a technique that many people are scared to take on board!
You see…it’s no good being a mouse online…you won’t be heard.
We’re off…the first post in the new blog series called: Successful Corporate Blogs.
And this first one is about writing for your audience.
Remember the old saying, “If you throw enough mud at the wall some of it will stick”?
Today (or on the day it happened – just depends upon when you read this), you will see thousands of bloggers writing about the death of Steve Jobs. Many because they want to and many because they think that by writing about his death, they will get more blog traffic.
Here in the UK, we’re just passing the longest day of the year already, and it seems like only a few weeks since the winter passed and spring arrived.
Have you been practicing your communication skills today?
Have you spent a good proportion of your day answering e-mails, calling people up, responding to blog comments and posting up comments of your own?
We all have our own ways of setting up our blog.
Some have the blog posts listed on the home page, some have a static page.
Some of us list our services…some of us have an about page (which I thoroughly recommend you do have).
In my last post in this short series we discussed, how the small business owner can fail due to being overwhelmed.
In this post we shall discuss a similar situation which is extremely common with small business owners
From day one we are told to build a list because the money is in the list. So as small business bloggers we quickly create some sort of free giveaway in return for our visitors e-mail.
Then we think we’ve got them.
If you are a small business blogger and you want to increase your income via your blog then today is the day to take some action.
Today is the last day where you can get 50% off our Income Blogging Course.
That’s our expertise and we pride ourselves on the service we provide.