by Andrew Rondeau | Jan 27, 2015 | blogging guide
In this post I share 11 6 methods I use but first…what is a backlink: Simply put, a backlink is a link on a website (including blogs) that leads back to your website / blog. In search engine optimization (SEO), page rank is at least partially determined by the number...
by Andrew Rondeau | Mar 26, 2010 | blogging guide
To make a blog income and be a successful blogger I believe you have do 3 things each day: 1. Keep your blog up to date with blog posts and general maintenance 2. Market you blog via article marketing, blog commenting, social bookmarking, blog carnivals… 3. Creating...
by Andrew Rondeau | Feb 12, 2010 | blogging guide
Social bookmarking is fast becoming a popular way of promoting your blog. Although it is a relatively new concept, most blogs I visit offer numerous buttons for me to click in order to promote and socially bookmark the blog post I’m reading. So why should you socially...
by Andrew Rondeau | Dec 31, 2009 | blogging guide
I added my first blog post on this site on 10 February 2009. I now have 205 blog posts and that tells me that I blogged on average 4.5 times every week. These are my top ten most visited posts this year: 1. Read my story of how I became rich overnight: The Definitive...
by Andrew Rondeau | Oct 2, 2009 | blogging guide
This is my first full week back after my celebratory holiday and it’s hard to say what’s ‘up’ this week because I feel I’ve been working flat out just to catch up and not got very far. But let’s talk about the ‘up’ times: This week I joined the newly formed...