You may have read my recent post about the “10 Warning Signs an Internet Business Offer is Too Good to be True”
While writing that blog post I was thinking about our own sales page for our
Income Blogging Guide Course.
You may have read my recent post about the “10 Warning Signs an Internet Business Offer is Too Good to be True”
While writing that blog post I was thinking about our own sales page for our
Income Blogging Guide Course.
In this ‘how to make a blog’ post, I am assuming you have created your product and now it’s time to promote it via your blog (and other ways).
If you need help creating your product, you may be interested in my guide:
This is the sixth post in the new blog expert series called: Successful Corporate Blogs and we talk about a very personal thing…YOU!
Everything is about marketing if you think about it.
One of the biggest failings I have seen in many businesses over my time as an on-line small business owner is a failure to seize upon a viable niche for their industry.
I’ve just had a guest post published on Andy Baileys CommentLuv site, entitled:
The Six Main Myths Of Making It Online
As you can tell (well hopefully) from the title, it is about the things that many people believe when it comes to making money via blogging and the internet.
As mentioned in my first post in this series on ‘How I Quit My Job To Start My On-line Business’ I was excited and shocked.
I was keen to start…I was going to earning an awesome on-line income very quickly.
If you’ve been following my blog for any period of time, you’ll know that I’m a huge advocate of getting a really great product behind you to sell or give away to your customers.
Some of you will have seen I (along with Joel Williams) recently announced the launch of our new multi-media e-guide, Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days.
Yes, the e-guide also includes some videos.
Already, we’ve had some cool feedback:
Thousands of on-line business owners are creating products that just don’t sell. That’s right…don’t sell.
This is how you can follow them:
1. Decide to create your product based on what you like instead of what the customers needs
2. Do no research and create something that you THINK will sell
That’s our expertise and we pride ourselves on the service we provide.