“At last! At last!” I hear many of you saying.
Joel and I both agree!
It has taken us over a year, and thousands of dollars – but now we are proud and excited to say:
Here is our first ever WordPress plugin!
“At last! At last!” I hear many of you saying.
Joel and I both agree!
It has taken us over a year, and thousands of dollars – but now we are proud and excited to say:
Here is our first ever WordPress plugin!
Here in the UK, the TV programme, Daybreak is encouraging us to pledge to DONATE A DAY to a worthy cause.
It can be from volunteering to work in a charity shop, doing a neighbour’s shopping, to simply offering an elderly person some company.
In my previous posts in this Blog Expert Series, I discussed the ‘Mandatory WordPress Plugins Your Blog Should Have‘ and the ‘WordPress Plugins Definitely Worth Adding To Your Blog’.
In this post, I shall share with you the plugins I have installed that I feel are ‘Nice To Have’
In my previous post in this Blog Expert Series, I discussed the Mandatory WordPress Plugins Your Blog Should Have installed.
In this post, I shall share with you the plugins I have installed that I feel are ‘definitely worth adding to your blog’
I’ve been known to be a plugaholic. I love WordPress plugins. At one time, I had almost 70 installed.
Even though I have deleted many, I still have over 40 WordPress plugins active.
In one of my recent posts…
This is my final video in the ‘speeding up your blog’ series.
In this video I go through the process of how using a Content Delivery Network can vastly improve your blog’s loading speed.
[flashvideo file=http://c455454.r54.cf2.rackcdn.com/blog-speed-10.mp4 image=https://www.webuildyourblog.com/images/super-fast-blog.gif width=550 height=441 /]
Previous posts in this series:
W3-Total-Cache is the must have plugin for those who are serious about improving the load speed of their blog. It’s free…it’s easy to set-up and it could knock up to 2 seconds off your blog loading time.
View my latest video in my ‘improve your blog speed’ series. It shows you exactly how to set-up the W3-Total-Cache plugin:
In this video I share with you 2 (non-technical) WordPress plugins you can use to improve your business blog loading speed.
Plugins referenced within the video:
WP-Optimize: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-optimize/
WP DB-Manager: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-dbmanager/
Previous posts in this series:
You Are Losing Customers If You Don’t Do This
It is fairly common knowledge that Google uses the loading time of your blog as part of their ranking algorithm.
Although that is important…even more important is your visitors experience when they visit your site.
We want to read and see what you have to say…instantly…not in 30 seconds…20 seconds…10 seconds time.
That’s our expertise and we pride ourselves on the service we provide.