Tag Archives | Marketing Strategy

Jimmy Brown is Retiring

jimmy brown retiresJimmy Brown, one of the most successful internet marketers is retiring…his products. He isn’t personally retired from internet marketing but he is retiring ALL his products including membership sites, coaching programs, ebooks, software programs, small reports, etc.

“Why?” I hear you asking because I agree it’s a bit strange to stop selling all your products, isn’t it?

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The three keys to a successful affiliate marketing strategy

Affiliates are an vital part of the Internet marketing world and having an affiliate marketing strategy is of utmost importance.  If you don’t already know by now, they not only help drive traffic if you have your own products, but becoming an affiliate can be one of the easiest ways to get started making money by promoting other people’s products.

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Profit With These Internet Marketing Techniques

monitize-blogThe internet allows you to market your product or service without having to invest a huge amount of money in the process. What you will probably need to invest in is a considerable amount of time and effort. But then it would be foolish of you to think that you could expect success without putting in the time and effort required, wouldn’t it?

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