by Andrew Rondeau | Jan 19, 2012 | Starting A Blog
In the last post in the ‘how to make a blog’ series we covered the subject of finding your niche. That is a crucial step and so is this one…keyword research. The vast majority of people who go onto the internet, go for one reason. To find...
by Andrew Rondeau | Apr 14, 2011 | blog income
From day one we are told to build a list because the money is in the list. So as small business bloggers we quickly create some sort of free giveaway in return for our visitors e-mail. Then we think we’ve got them. We think we have the right to bombard our list...
by Andrew Rondeau | Aug 28, 2009 | search engine optimization advice
In my previous videos, I have shown you how to use the free tools available to decide upon the best keyword phrases to use for your chosen niche. Today, in this video, I show you the tool I use. The Keyword Research funtion of the tool is free. Watch the short video...
by Andrew Rondeau | Aug 20, 2009 | search engine optimization advice
Oh, I hate that headline, don’t you? SEO for dummies. To me, ‘dummy’ means an idiot and I’m not calling anyone a dummy or an idiot. A better headline may have been Seo for Newbies. But I didn’t and do you want to know why? For SEO reasons! According to Google (and...