Do you like the title?
It’s true.
By using the following step-by-step approach, it will make your blog index quicker in the search engines, build powerful backlinks and can provide a steady stream of organic traffic.
Using RSS Directories.
Do you like the title?
It’s true.
By using the following step-by-step approach, it will make your blog index quicker in the search engines, build powerful backlinks and can provide a steady stream of organic traffic.
Using RSS Directories.
I’ve taken my guest post from entitled, 43 Blogger Tips – What you should do after installing WordPress and created a series of Blogging Guide videos.
This is the 8th video in my new blogging guide series and I show you how you can increase makje it easy for your customers to make contact with you.
This is a guest post by ZK the blog consultant .
When you start a blog, you want traffic. Everybody likes traffic. If you have got traffic you will at some point be able to convert that traffic into money. Of course it will take time.
The ideas in this article are not new and they have been shared by numerous other blogs and bloggers.
So why am I repeating the same advice?
Because so many bloggers simply miss or don’t carry out these simple tasks.
I added my first blog post on this site on 10 February 2009. I now have 205 blog posts and that tells me that I blogged on average 4.5 times every week.
These are my top ten most visited posts this year:
1. Read my story of how I became rich overnight:
Today I looked at my Google Analytics and noticed a ‘spike’ in traffic every 10 days or so. After investigation, I found the traffic ‘spike’ coincided with my blog broadcast automatically sent out by Aweber.
Wondering what a guest blog is?
In simple terms, a guest blog is when you write a blog post and post it on someone else’s blog.
Doing this has its advantages like increasing traffic and blog promotion.
Since I started this blog back in March, I’ve had a target to increase the number of visitors that comes to this site by 10% each month.
I am pleased to say that the actual percentage I achieve has been on average 14% for every month.
You have written your best blog post in months. You’ve spent hours, in fact days, writing and perfecting it. It’s a unique and very valuable blog post.
You are very proud of what you have written and now you want the whole world to see it.
That’s our expertise and we pride ourselves on the service we provide.