by Andrew Rondeau | Mar 16, 2011 | Starting A Blog
For some this is old news and for others it will be the first time you have heard about it. If you haven’t heard, Google recently changed its search algorithm. In very simple terms, Google has decided to ‘penalize’ the websites / blogs that copy other people’s...
by Andrew Rondeau | Feb 2, 2011 | Uncategorized
I often get asked the following question about the Income Blogging Course: “Does the course cover auto-blogging?” And the very simple answer is NO. Auto-blogging does not fit with our principles or approach to making money via your blog. Within the course we show you...
by Andrew Rondeau | Sep 2, 2010 | blogging guide
With so many blogs out there, I often find myself getting caught up in trying to work out which ones are the best to comment and guest post on, to get my own blog ranking and profile up. From a personal perspective, I usually choose to comment or guest post on blogs...
by Andrew Rondeau | Apr 14, 2010 | blogging guide
This is the sixth video in my new blogging guide series. Still based upon my original article, 43 Blogger Tips – What you should do after installing WordPress In this blogging guide video I show you the simple steps you must take to improve your SEO including the...
by Andrew Rondeau | Mar 1, 2010 | blogging guide
Guest blogging is one of the best ways to find new visitors, customers and blogging relationships. We know that, don’t we? So why do so few of us actually do it? Here are my views: 1. The Fear of Rejection My very first guest blog was accepted and published by the...