by Andrew Rondeau | Jan 19, 2012 | Starting A Blog
In the last post in the ‘how to make a blog’ series we covered the subject of finding your niche. That is a crucial step and so is this one…keyword research. The vast majority of people who go onto the internet, go for one reason. To find...
by Andrew Rondeau | Oct 12, 2011 | affiliate marketing strategy
We’re off…the first post in the new blog series called: Successful Corporate Blogs. And this first one is about writing for your audience. Remember the old saying, “If you throw enough mud at the wall some of it will stick”? If you’re an amateur plasterer...
by Andrew Rondeau | Sep 30, 2011 | Writing Blog Posts
There’s nothing quite so satisfying as seeing your blog launch for the first time. All the preparation that you have put in suddenly comes to fruition, and you have a great new platform for promoting your products and services. Blogging opens our marketing strategy up...
by Andrew Rondeau | Jul 23, 2011 | Starting A Blog
Another short burst of decluttering today. Only took about 5 minutes and I removed from my life: Foreign currency – no longer in circulation Some aftershave I really don’t like the smell of A one meter firewire lead Some old business cards for an old website I used to...
by Andrew Rondeau | Nov 30, 2010 | blogging guide
What do you think about my new rotating banner (see above). Do you hate it, find it annoying and want me to remove it? Or… Do you love it and think I should keep it? Please vote below: [poll id=”-2″]...