Your blog has probably been shouting at you over the holiday break, if it’s anything like mine.
You sit down to check your emails, and all of a sudden there’s a nagging voice coming from your PC, saying ‘You should update your blog!’.
Your blog has probably been shouting at you over the holiday break, if it’s anything like mine.
You sit down to check your emails, and all of a sudden there’s a nagging voice coming from your PC, saying ‘You should update your blog!’.
How many companies have you come in to contact with today?
Think about it for a moment – you have the various businesses advertising on the television as you eat breakfast in the morning, the radio adverts pushing services.
If you are a regular reader you’ll know I have been de-cluttering my life. Over the past few months I have given / thrown away and sold so many things…I really don’t know where I kept it all.
There’s nothing quite so satisfying as seeing your blog launch for the first time.
All the preparation that you have put in suddenly comes to fruition, and you have a great new platform for promoting your products and services.
When was the last time you hit the shops for a serious shopping trip?
When you went from shop to shop, what did you notice about customer service?
If you’ve been following my blog for any period of time, you’ll know that I’m a huge advocate of getting a really great product behind you to sell or give away to your customers.
Have you been practicing your communication skills today?
Have you spent a good proportion of your day answering e-mails, calling people up, responding to blog comments and posting up comments of your own?
When buying any service on-line I always look to see if they have a live chat service.
I like to ask questions BEFORE purchasing.
I like to know I can have technical support AFTER purchasing.
And most of all when I do have questions, I want to have the ability to get them answered immediately.
When was the last time you deleted a plugin?
When did you last review all the plugins you have installed and activated on your blog?
Do all your plugins enhance your customers experience?
Check out my latest video in my ‘improve your blog speed’ video series:
That’s our expertise and we pride ourselves on the service we provide.