It’s a wonderful feeling when someone writes to you and they ask if they can publish a guest blog post on your site.
Why do I say that?
There are a number of reasons:
1. It means I have a break from having to create a blog post myself
It’s a wonderful feeling when someone writes to you and they ask if they can publish a guest blog post on your site.
Why do I say that?
There are a number of reasons:
1. It means I have a break from having to create a blog post myself
I have mentioned this function time and time again…and still people are taking a chance.
Small business owners / blog owners always think it won’t happen to them…only to someone else.
I assume, as you are reading this you:
This is a guest post by Annie Wallace who blogs on social media news as well as guest posts throughout the Internet!
If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
This is a guest post by Bailey Digger, she writes on the topic of web design degrees.
If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
With so many blogs out there, I often find myself getting caught up in trying to work out which ones are the best to comment and guest post on, to get my own blog ranking and profile up.
What type of Twitter user are you?
GrowMap recently added a fun Twitter Test to find out what type of Twitter user you are.
So take 5 minutes out of your hectic day, have a little fun and see what type you are.
This is a guest post by ZK the blog consultant .
When you start a blog, you want traffic. Everybody likes traffic. If you have got traffic you will at some point be able to convert that traffic into money. Of course it will take time.
This is the second video in my new blogging guide series.
In this video I show you how to improve the security of your blog by changing the admin username…plus a few tidy up tips.
You can see the previous videos by clicking here:
One of the best twitter tips you can take action on is to change your background and make it part of you, your business, your brand…make it an extension of your blog.
My good blogging friend, Erica who owns the blog, recently published a blog post discussing this twitter tip.
That’s our expertise and we pride ourselves on the service we provide.