The Biggest Cash Blogging Contest EVER

History is being made! This month – June 2010, will be written into the history books (and the Guinness Book of Records) as the month when the biggest cash blogging contest ever was held. The current cash prize is $3300 and it is still increasing. I wanted to...

My Blogging Guide Blog Is One Year Old

This month my blogging guide blog, WeBuildYourBlog is one year old! One year ago I left the Corporate world after 30 years of working long days, travelling around the world, managing thousands of staff and earning a nice big regular monthly pay-check. I look back and...

The Famous Bloggers Contest

The Famous Bloggers website have kicked off the year with a free contest and we (Joel and I) are proud to be one of the sponsors of the prizes on offer. You can win our complete Income Blogging Guide course. These are the prizes on offer: The First winner will get:...