Can I Help You Solve Your Technical Issues…For Free?

we-build-your-blog-supportThe majority of us fall into the camp of ‘technical’ or ‘not technical’.

I love the people who fall into the ‘not technical’ camp.


Because without them I would not have a business.

You see I’m in the ‘technical’ camp. Always have been and suspect always will be.

I started computer programming over 30 years ago and I love delivering the end result of a working application or website.

The majority of my personal clients fall into the ‘non-technical’ camp and I help and assist them with their technical problems.

Some of them have tried and they cannot get the hang of it. They find it frustrating.

I always say…exploit your strengths. We are all great at something. Rather than waste time trying to master things that don’t come naturally to you…work on making your natural strengths even stronger.

Of course, some of my clients also fall into the ‘technical’ camp but they outsource the technical work to me…so they can manage and run their business. Or they simply just don’t have the time to do all the technical work.

That’s great too…for my business.

No matter what camp my clients fall into, they want to grow their business. They have big plans…big goals…big dreams.

And rightly so!

Now…can I help you with your technical issues…for FREE?

I hope so!

If you feel you could do with some help…as we are coming up to the ‘giving’ season…I would like to help you for free.

I’m looking for 6 small business website owners who are struggling with the technical side of their business and it is holding them back.

I’ll spend 30 minutes with each owner – either discussing improvements they could make on their website or there could be specific technical things they would like me to add or change.

If you want to be in with a chance of being one of the six I help for free, complete the form below and I’ll be in touch.

Of course, if you just want to comment or share this post and let your friends know about my free offer…please go ahead and make my day!

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    What work would you like me to do (required)

    Type In The Characters Below


    12 Responses to Can I Help You Solve Your Technical Issues…For Free?

    1. Wendy December 12, 2013 at 8:27 am #

      Really great Andrew, to offer some free support.

      I am not completely clueless, but dont have the time or the inclination to learn all the new technology. It moves too fast!!!!

      I prefer to spend my time becoming more proficient in doing what I already do and leave the techy bits to expert like you.

      • Andrew December 13, 2013 at 1:46 am #


        I love your approach. Hopefully it is obvious why!


    2. Debbie December 12, 2013 at 9:01 am #

      I thought i would make your day and leave a comment. After all I am in the ‘non technical’ camp and you do a wonderful job keeping me up and running.

      I would be lost with out you. Like walking around in the forest with out a path to follow. They would have to send out the search party for sure if I was ever to see my home again.

      Anybody that is in the ‘non technical’ camp really needs to jump on your offer.

      It can save them a lot of time and trouble,

      Sure Glad that I found you years ago.

      Hugs to you Andrew and thanks for always being there.


      • Andrew December 17, 2013 at 1:50 am #

        Thanks Debbie…for those kind words.

        I’m also glad I found you…years ago!


    3. Beat Schindler December 12, 2013 at 2:36 pm #

      I in turn love the people who fall into the ‘technical’ camp. Why? Because without them I wouldn’t be in business :-] That said, many techies are really just boys with a hammer, looking for nails. So, best of all I love the ‘tech’ people who cross the divide between themselves and the non-techies, who speak their language and understand their needs and wants – not to mention names, techies like you.

      You are the best ‘technical services and solutions’ provider out there. I recommend it to anyone looking for an authentic outsource solution.

      I regret that this time around I cannot take advantage of your free offer – after a two-year hiatus of intercontinental moves and taking on a new job I am only just in the early stages of re-kick-starting my blogs.

      • Andrew December 13, 2013 at 1:49 am #


        Thank you for those kind words and I understand exactly what you mean about ‘techies’ talking far too technical.

        I do my best not to but sometimes fall into that space. It’s about trying different approaches with different clients.

        Some clients are very technical and want to talk technical, others a little and undertand a little and others…well enough said!


    4. Raymond Chua December 12, 2013 at 9:40 pm #

      Wow Andrew. That’s a beautiful gift for Christmas. Non-technical person will find it frustrating trying to handle all the technical problems themselves.

      To you, it may be just a 30 minutes session. To them, it’s priceless.

      Good job, Andrew. 🙂

      • Andrew December 13, 2013 at 1:50 am #

        Thanks, Raymond.

        Once in a while, it’s nice to share your expertize and help others and what better time than now!


    5. shiv December 13, 2013 at 1:31 pm #

      I learn from these wonderful bloggers because one of them is SO valuable. However, I think I can best relate to what Ana mentioned about giving more because the more you give, the more you receive, and even if you don’t, I think it’s the intention and thought behind sharing other’s content and helping them out, which matters most.

    6. Joel December 13, 2013 at 8:37 pm #

      Very generous Andrew, I nearly took you up on the offer myself! But seriously it’s a real service to provide people and it’s very hard to find someone as trustworthy and proficient as you. I hope the clients you choose know how lucky they are!

      • Andrew December 17, 2013 at 1:52 am #

        Thanks Joel.

        I just thought I would see what reaction I would get – and I’ve had many requests. Way more than the 6 I can do!


    7. Sagar August 4, 2014 at 3:46 am #

      Nice and very important post

      There are many people in the web i.e bloggers and internet marketers who are either weak in technical or else non technical issues. They always try to learn somethings from the web and do by themselves or else hire any specialist who is a pro in that sector. Still they manage to run their blogs or websites.

      Now nobody is perfect, and I believe that learning is life long process. The give away you mentioned here is of really a great help to many people whether it may be any product or any service . Great work and keep up doing it.

      Thank you for sharing.

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