Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is made easy with this brand new WordPress plugin.

Watch me improve my blog posts Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with a few clicks and in minutes.

You can get try out the plugin for FREE by going here: Scribe

You can get try out the plugin for FREE by going here: Scribe

Video Transript:

Hello there, Andrew Rondeau from and over the last week or so I’ve been playing with a new plugin which has come on to the market called Scribe SEO and it basically analyzes your blog posts.

So you got a blog post, you click on a button and then it tells you how well your blog post has been written for SEO purposes and how you could improve your SEO and therefore improve your search rankings and therefore improve your amount of traffic which comes to your blog via that particular blog post.

Now, I’ve been playing with this plugin for about a week now and I love it. It’s really good, it really makes you think about how you write your blog posts.

But not in  a spammy or anything like that sort of way, it just says to you, we recommend this sorts of things and it does it for you.

So now I’m gonna give you a little bit of in, demo of it on my current blog.

So if I click over here, I’m gonna go into the dashboard and you can see I’ve been using it here and as it is one’s got 85% scribe optimized, it tells me what my primary keywords are and that sort of thing.

So I’m, you don’t have to do it on your new posts, you can do it on old posts as well. #

So, you can go back on an all your post if you ever want it to.

So, I’m now just gonna do a demo on one of my posts which I wrote a few weeks ago and if I come down, I’ve picked one, How to Create a Super Effective Squeeze Page.

So if I edit that post and this is published back in the end of January. So that’s now gonna come up and it will, then over on the right hand side it will say analyze.

So you can see here, it’s a scribe optimizer and what it does, it takes the all-in-one SEO plugin to make sure that you have actually put in a title and put in a description of your blog post as well and I have it on this particular one.

So if I take a copy of that and then come down to the all-in-one SEO plugin and I copy it into the title and then put in the description, something like here’s how to build better squeeze pages and get more subscribers. I spelled that right, I think I have.

Then if I come back up to the Scribe part, it will then say to me, well yes, you’ve put in your title, you’ve put in the description and the content is ready so I can now analyze. So I click on the Analyze button.

What it’s now gonna go and do is go to the Scribe database and look at my content and then come back and tell me how well it’s been written for SEO purposes and it will give me some recommendations of the sort of things I can do to improve it. So, it’s telling me that this particular blog post is 72% good for SEO purposes and it’s given me some recommendations.

One is here the title doesn’t contain any primary keywords. In the description, I’ve got no primary keywords at the beginning of the content and I’ve got 4 hyperlinks within the body and it is saying, which is below the minimum, so it’s saying like I’ve got too many hyperlinks within the body.

So, if I now click up here and click on keyword analysis, it will tell me what is highlighted as being my main keyword phrases. So I’ve go squeeze page, so squeeze page is taken as being my primary keyword. And then it says in change keywords what I would have to do make any of the others more, make them more primary keywords. So squeeze, conversion rate, benefits primary keywords, add them to the bin total description, if I want them to be primary keywords.

So I’m gonna stick with the fact that I like squeeze pages, which is being my, squeeze page I should say, which is being my primary keyword. So, if I now go back to my SEO score, what it tells me is that I haven’t got squeeze page at the beginning of the title. So it’s recommended and I change my title to say squeeze page at the beginning of the title. And I also says that I haven’t got my keyword towards the beginning of the description, the content.

Therefore it’s recommended that I go back in to the content and put squeeze page somewhere. And the 4 hyperlinks I will just have a quick look as well.

The other thing in here is it tells you what tags to use or it recommends what tags to use. So if you click on tags, I can then just copy and paste those. Take them and now I’m gonna shut down the view of what it’s given me and I can then just click , copy those tags into my tags. So it’s taken those as being some tags I can add.

So it says squeeze page was not at the beginning of my title and it wasn’t so I’ve got, it’s recommended and I’ve changed squeeze page, take it from here and put it at the beginning. So I could do something lie, if I said, I could say, Your Squeeze Page Could Be More Effective – Here’s How, something like that and if I take that and put that down into my all-in-one SEO plugin.

So, I’ve now moved squeeze page to the beginning of my title and it’s also saying I haven’t got squeeze page, at the, near the beginning of the description, so I should say something like, A squeeze, I just have to spell It right cause I know you’re all watching me and it makes me nervous.

A squeeze page can determine how many subscribers you get. I could come up with a better one than that, but let me, I’m just showing you for demo purposes at the moment. And then if I now go back up here and then say analyze. It should now take the description from the all-in-one SEO plugin  and the title from the all-in-one SEO plugin and say that my content score has improved.

So let’s see what it says, so it’s gone up to 95% and that’s because I’ve put in squeeze page at the beginning of the title and I’ve put in squeeze page in the first sentence. So just by doing those two little changes, I’ve improved my SEO for this particular blog post. Plus, I’ve made it more SEO friendly, with Google, it will go higher on the page ranking and that could bring me some more traffic.

I could go in and do the hyperlink thing as well and make it up to a 100% but it’s just a short demo, just to say that’s what you can do with Scribe.

You do have to buy it, it’s not free, it’s if you hurry up, I think it runs up this week. You can now get, for $27 you can get 300 clicks on the analyze button. So if you, so I jus did two today based on that particular blog post. So if you were to divide 300 divided by a 100, divided by 2 clicks per blog post, it says 150 blogs, you could, blog posts, you could analyze each month. And if you use 3, obviously, that would be about 100 blogs but who writes a 100 blog posts per month?

Now, the thing is that you don’t just have to put it into one of your blogs. You could have it on as many blogs as you want. So I’ve got this blog and I’ve got a couple of other blogs as well. I can use the same Scribe facility on those as well, all for $27 a month and, but it does run out quick so if you wanna get it, there’s a link above and below the video. You can go and have a look and test it out. If you like you can test it out, you’ll get 10 free goes before you actually need to buy it.

So you can just sign up and take it, take the evaluation and see what you think. The links are affiliate links, I do make some commission if you go ahead and purchase via my link. If you do, thank you very much and if you don’t, then no worries, carry on with how you want your blog posts at the moment.

That’s me, that’s Andrew Rondeau from WeBuildYourBlog and I shall see you and speak to you all very, very soon. All the best, bye bye.