Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is made easy with this WordPress plugin and now there is a great offer as well.
The offer ends on 4th June.
Firstly, check out my video review of this plugin by clicking here:
Search Engine Optimization Made Easy
Secondly, go here, Scribe and sign-up for an account. Scribe will vastly improve the Search Engine Optimization of your blog posts.
- Once logged in, select “Change Plan” from the top navigation, or click on “View Your Upgrade Options” in the middle box next to Current Subscription.
- On the “Change Plan” page, select the “Advanced” plan (the last option) and click “Upgrade.”
- In the Promo Code field on the next page, enter PROMO27.
- Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll see you’ve been subscribed to the Advanced Plan for $27 per month instead of the usual $97.
- Pat yourself on the back for saving big bucks on Scribe. 😉
When you use ‘PROMO27’, you’ll get the $97 plan for just $27.
That’s 300 search engine optimization evaluations every month.
If you don’t need that many, opt for the $17 plan for 15 monthly search engine optimization evaluations.
Important: You can use Scribe on as many blogs as you wish, so if you have a few, $27 for 300 monthly search engine optimization evaluations is great but…remember to use the promotional code ‘PROMO27’ and the offer ends on 4 June.
Powerful new function:
The coolest new feature in all versions of Scribe is the new alternate keyword suggestion interface. This new tab shows you alternate related keywords relevant to your content, and the search volume for each term. Users will now discover that they should actually be targeting other terms – either for more traffic or less competition.
Here’s what to do now…
Go here, Scribe and sign-up for an account.
- Once logged in, select “Change Plan” from the top navigation, or click on “View Your Upgrade Options” in the middle box next to Current Subscription.
- On the “Change Plan” page, select the Advanced plan (the last option) and click “Upgrade.”
- In the Promo Code field on the next page, enter PROMO27.
- Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll see you’ve been subscribed to the Advanced Plan for $27 per month instead of the usual $97.
- Pat yourself on the back for saving big bucks on Scribe. 😉
P.S. This post was SEO optimized using the Scribe Plugin. If you want to improve your search engine optimization, it’s the best plugin around.
Hey, Thanks for sharing this. I would like to tell you, This is extremely wonderful I really liked it.
I am looking for this from a long time. Thank you for this again.
Rajnish Kumar
.-= Rajnish´s last blog ..Now Television is not only a Television ! =-.
It’s a great plugin – and the offer is worth every penny.
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Need Some Blogging Help? =-.
It seems Scribe SEO become boom in blogosphere these days. I see about it in everywhere.
.-= Dana @ Blogging Tips Blog´s last blog ..Blogging Tips Blog Accept Guest Blogger Now =-.
has it made you invest?
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Need Some Blogging Help? =-.
Not yet, I still optimize another paid plugin. May be later after have time for it.
.-= Dana @ Blogging Tips Blog´s last blog ..3 Newest Improvement for This Blogging Tips Blog =-.
Hah, not many people can get away with a direct demand to sign-up somewhere. Luckily you’ve earned my trust so i’m going to look into this 🙂
Ok, maybe not ‘demand’ but you know what i mean.. I have came across Scribe in a few discussions and have not had the time to check into it.
Follow-up: I stopped typing and took a few minutes to watch some videos on this. I’m really liking what is see! The normal price is way to high for me though, the deal you’re offering is a little more bearable.
.-= Josiah@Free iPad´s last blog ..iPad Sales Hit the 2 Million Mark =-.
Nice words – thanks.
I hope you decide to invest even if it is for a month – to see what difference it makes.
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Sorry: I Am Not Replying To Comments (Temporarily) =-.
Thanks for sharing this promo code of Scribe SEO. I currently don’t have any plan to buy a SEO service but may be will do after launching a blogging tutorial site on July. Thanks again.
.-= Arafat Hossain Piyada´s last blog ..Complete remove McAfee Antivirus with McRem2 =-.
Hopefully Brian will be doing another offer then as well – who knows?
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Need Some Blogging Help? =-.
Thanks! I’d never heard of Scribe until today. I consider myself to be pretty good at SEO writing, but I’d be interested to see how I could improve. The $97 price plan is the only one that’d really be useful for me, and while I can’t afford that out of my current monthly budget I could stretch to $27, so you’ve done me a great favor – thanks again!
I hope you like the plugin – it helps me!
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Need Some Blogging Help? =-.
Oh, I think scribe is very good tool for blog SEO. I am using all in one SEO plug in for my blog. I think this plug is also very good for blog post optimization.
.-= chandan@work at home blog´s last blog ..The benefit of number one rank at google =-.
The all-in-one-seo-pack plugin is a great plugin but it only does ‘work’ with the keyword phrases you use.
Scribe tells you the best keyword phrases to use and whether you blog post is SEO optimized.
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Need Some Blogging Help? =-.
I disagree on the title. Effective SEO is neither cheap nor simple. But from my opinion and my experience for those who do not do SEO more or less professionally this plugin can be very useful for on-page optimization (though not as effective as off-page optimization, but a thing that directly depends on you and that should never be neglected).
Overall I say that though this is not an ultimate solution, it can be useful fore many bloggers =)
.-= Edward Nigma´s last blog ..One Million Dollar Sandwich =-.
Well, we are going to have to agree to disagree. $27 for 300 SEO evalutaions is only 9 cents per post – that for effective SEO advice is CHEAP.
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Need Some Blogging Help? =-.
Andrew, I understand that you are living from a commission, but for god’s sake you have to understand that SEO evaluation has very little to do with the whole SEO process where on-page stuff makes the smaller part. Your title is delusional in this sense. The tool may be great, but it does not cover everything that a SEO can do to a website.
.-= Edward Nigma´s last blog ..One Million Dollar Sandwich =-.
I can “feel” your point of view!
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..The not-so-secret Diary of the Confessional Blogger =-.
I don’t have a problem with the title at all as it’s designed to grab attention and it’s obviously is doing that.
Once a blogger has everyone’s attention then it’s up to the actual post to do the job the blogger intended.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..How Would You Like To Win An Apple iPad? =-.
As we know when blogging – we can’t expect everyone to agree with every thing we do.
And it is only opinions and we are all different.
I appreciate you liking the title!
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Standout Comments: Dumped =-.
True, you cannot make everyone happy. And the title is also very good. After all it does the trick and whatever you do you will not make everyone happy =)
.-= Edward Nigma´s last blog ..Lisa Kudrow – Piquant Flavor Of Friends =-.
We use ScribeSEO and highly recommend it. Doesn’t really tell us things we do not already know, but certainly holds us accountable to tighten things up. Our college-aged children will blog for us and having a tool like this is great for guest bloggers.
.-= Colleen@Kennewick Real Estate´s last blog ..Tagaris Summer Concert Series =-.
I agree – I tend to change a few words each time I use Scribeseo.
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Need Some Blogging Help? =-.
You are providing really a great opportunity for blogger who really want to build a better blog. thanks for sharing this info.
.-= Rakesh Solanki´s last blog ..Schirmfoto – Screenshots Made Easy To Every Window =-.
You are welcome.
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Need Some Blogging Help? =-.
Andrew, it could be that I’ve just woken up, or maybe you’ve had one too many, 😉 but it seems that you’ve repeated yourself in the post. Perhaps it’s a new form of marketing?
Still as good as it sounds I reckon I’ll give it a miss for now mate.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..The Importance Of Honesty In Blogging =-.
I thought I would try it – to see if it made a difference.
1. Mention a benefit
2. Tell the visitor what to do
3. Mention another benefit
4. Tell the visitor what to do (saves them scrolling up!).
I wouldn’t do that after every benefit, though!
P.S. A few visitors signed up – I wonder if it made a difference?
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Standout Comments: Dumped =-.
Cool, I feel a whole lot better now, better having confirmation than to think ones been seeing things 😀
.-= Sire´s last blog ..I’m Not Getting Enough Sex What Can I Do? =-.
You make me laugh!
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Standout Comments: Dumped =-.