Ever thought of using an Article Writing Service?
Writing can be stressful and frustrating for some. Others just simply love writing!
But for those who struggle with what to write about it certainly is worth looking at an Article Writing Service.
And it could save you thousands of dollars!
That’s a bit of a loud-mouthed, over-the-top, boastful and hyped up statement. I’m sure that’s what you are thinking. Besides that you know it can’t possibly be true. It’s another one of those spam kind of articles that’s just hoping to take you for a ride.
But wait a minute. Before you write this statement off, roll your eyes and get out of here, let me explain to you what it’s all about. You have got to at least allow me to do that!
Let’s have a look how much it costs you to write your own articles. Maybe that’s got you sitting up a little tiny bit? Have you ever worked out what your article writing costs you?
You probably haven’t. And you wouldn’t be alone. Hardly anybody I’ve ever talked to has worked out what his or her time costs. It’s one of those things you take for granted you will invest in your online business. It’s called your time.
You are investing your time in your online business. So how much is your time worth? I can hear you thinking, still on about the same point here. How about moving on.
Just bear with me for a little while longer. Let’s look at the calculation. Your time is worth about $30 per hour. Article writing is worth round about that. It’s a creative process and it’s darn hard work. It’s not easy. Not like picking apples. There you would only get the basic hourly pay.
Now you write at least five articles per week and if it’s a decent one it should take you on average about one and a half hours. At $30 per hour you are in effect spending $45.00 per day on your article writing service.
Oh right. You are the article writing service. Sure! But if you could use an external one. A service that gave you as good or better articles than you can write, would you think that $45 per article might be worth it?
It would allow you to get on with a whole bunch of other stuff, such as create your own eBook that you can sell. Or maybe sell somebody else’s product.
But I’m jumping the gun there. Let’s look at the money again. So if you write five articles a week, which should be your minimum number to get traffic through your blog, then you are spending $45 x 5 per week on article writing. That’s a cool $225. I had to use a calculator for that, it’s so much.
Work that out for the month. And now work it out for the year. Got to use my calculator again! Yikes. That’s $11 700.00. So are we agreeing that you could save thousands by using an article writing service?
I think we might just be agreeing on this point. But you would be quite right in thinking that to get a decent article would cost quite a bit. You should think that. You’ve probably seen the horrific stuff that gets thrown around for free.
Well what do you expect? It’s free. On the other side of the scale you could get keyword loaded pages for just under $100 a pop. Phew. So that would be out of the question wouldn’t it. Bit steep that. You could definitely do it yourself for less.
But what if it was some absolutely ridiculous cost to you, would you consider it? What if you could try it for free? Would that make you want to give it a go?
Do you think five free articles just to try it out would appeal? Might? Then why not. Here’s the link. Go check it out. You might just think saving thousands could be a pretty cool option for you.
Oh and don’t forget about the less stress and frustration. All the hard work is done for you…no need to think about what subjects to write about.
Here’s the link again for your free articles, The Article Writing Service
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Excellent post. Thank you for posting this. I enjoyed it alot.
Very good blog post that covers an important part of the freelance writing career. Outsourcing is a very difficult concept for many writers, especially if you started out as a true freelance writer, but it’s critical to growing a major writing business. Thanks for spreading the word about this important topic.
No matter how you love article writing or even plain writing but still you can’t avoid instances that causes you stress. Like, there are times where you are strongly bothered by your thoughts which concern is your family or any other upsetting issue and you can’t just leave it behind or being sick and you feel heavy and wanted to sleep all day long. That can be really tormenting specially when you have so much works that needs to be done in due time.