Could you help me out?
I am really close to finishing off my Income Blogging Guide. I shall be releasing it in early January. But before I do, I like to ask you just a couple of questions.
Can you help me out?
You can answer the questions here, in total confidence:
Click Here to take survey
Thank you for the survey, I will join in the survey.
.-= chandan@work at home´s last blog ..How to submit article to article directories =-.
Thanks, Chandan.
Will you sell it or give all subscribers :)?
.-= Phaoloo´s last blog ..10+ Icon And Smiley Sets For This Christmas =-.
The course is huge – more details to follow – and I will be selling.
My problem is making my post more sticky so they are more likely to keep people on my site so I can generate more Income!
Would be great to see some statistics in this product 🙂
Thanks for dropping by.
I do cover writing blog posts in great detail including all the different types required for a great blog.
What do you mean by statistics?
I think I filled it out before, is that possible?
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Simons Running A Contest – Over $800 In Prizes! =-.
I asked my subscribers first, so yes, it’s possible.