Positive Bloggers Only Need Read This

positive-bloggerPositive thinking is as much a part of common parlance these days as corporate speak and management lingo.

The power of having a positive outlook on life is something which is both acknowledged and advocated in the world of business and our personal lives, alike.

Initially used to motivate sales people and encourage passion in the workplace, positive thinking has now worked its way in to the world of small business ownership as a fundamental principle of operating, meaning that we can stay engaged with our business and maintain momentum.

It may sound a bit ‘fluffy’ but staying positive really does help business owners and bloggers to be productive. Having a clear view of how you want things to be with your business can keep you focused and on track when things go wrong, giving you peace of mind that you can make improvements.

People who have a strong optimistic streak are more likely to develop skills which make for great business practice, including the following:

Future focus

People who run their own online business need to have the ability to stay focused upon what they want to happen in the future, rather than being entrenched in the day-to-day management of their services and products. Being able to look ahead with a positive outlook and see where you want your venture to be headed is the best possible way to build in new strategies and adapt to changes in customer requirements as and when they occur, without losing sight of your end goals.

Creative visualisation

Without a healthy injection of creativity, it’s tough to stay ahead of your competitors and evolve your business. Thinking positively inspires the creative process, by letting you know that you can achieve anything which you put your mind to, and opening up possibilities for future development. Being able to sit with a positive mindset and map out your business activities and plan supports an outstanding product suite, innovate customer service and allows healthy new ideas to flourish.


As successful businesses need an element of staying power, being positive about the future of your business will support you to make it thrive, long-term. Understanding that you are in for the long-haul, and having the confidence of knowing that you will make it in the end is a critical part of business ownership.

While too much positivity could lead to complacency, preventing you from sorting out issues before they become problems, a good dose of positivity can be a real asset when it comes to keeping your business going while those around you flounder.


Knowing that things can turn out right in the end offers small business owners an inner strength to deal with issues as they arise, without getting despondent. Being self-assured and trusting in life to present solutions as you need them supports you to stick with your business through the tough times, finding ways to resolve issues rather than simply giving up.

It’s important to remember that no-one makes a successful business overnight, and we can all expect hiccups and issues when we start out. Whether we are looking at having a period with reduced income, or overcoming barriers with friends and family as we set out to establish our blogging business, it can be tough to have the courage of our own convictions when things don’t look as if they are coming to fruition.

However, being determined about what you want to achieve with your business gives you a strong outlook, enabling you to shoulder the difficult initial stages of setting up your business and move things forward.

When you consider business tycoons such as Branson, Gates and Sugar, you see they have a common trait. They all emanate a confidence and self-assurance which has stemmed from their determination to succeed. This suggests that each one set out with an unswerving belief in the power of their company or initiative, and had the strength of mind to see it come to fruition.

So, how do we stay positive in the face of adverse business events?

It’s all very well knowing the theory behind positive thinking and understanding the benefits of this kind of outlook. It’s quite another thing to stay positive when things are going wrong.

If your business is faced with low revenue, or you are dealing with difficult customers or unpaid bills it can be almost impossible to stay upbeat while you resolve things. Many businesses fall by the wayside because people simply choose not to hang on to their ideas and initiatives through the tough times.

Staying positive comes down to a number of factors which can be learned and practiced, rather than simply being an innate quality which some of us have, and some of us don’t. This is great news for people who normally err on the side of cynicism or pessimism, as there is nothing to stop you from developing a healthy dose of positive thinking when it comes to your business.

Follow the steps outlined below to establish yourself as a positive thinker, and strengthen your ability to shine in the face of adversity.

Steps for achieving a positive mindset:

  • Think of what you have achieved so far
  • Remember why you are doing this
  • Think of the benefits
  • Go easy on yourself
  • Recall times when life has given you a lucky break
  • Call on people who inspire and enthuse you
  • Do things you enjoy, not that you feel you ought to be doing.

By remembering your ultimate goals and being kind to yourself on your path to achieving them, you stand to gradually develop a much more positive outlook for your business that will hold you in good stead when things do not always go as you expected.

Surrounding yourself by upbeat, positive people also supports you to develop a strong attitude towards your business, enabling you to partner with confident and experienced people who will support you to achieve and stand by you as your business reaches its targets.

Positive thinking is a habit just like any other, and you can train your brain to find the best in most situations, overcoming obstacles and challenges with an unswerving confidence in your abilities and your business.

How do you stay positive?

Please share your views in the comments below.


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41 Responses to Positive Bloggers Only Need Read This

  1. Debbie January 24, 2011 at 4:58 pm #

    Thanks for all the reminders. This is the one that I keep using, “•Think of what you have achieved so far”. i am not where I want to be yet, but I shall keep going forward and reflect back on the headway that I am making every day. thanks Andrew for the peep talk.
    Debbie X

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:04 pm #


      Another one to remember…we never reach the point of where we want to be!


  2. Timo January 24, 2011 at 7:10 pm #


    Great post!

    I think that optimistic people in general are those who are able to keep on going, even if there are any roadblocks that are slowing them down.

    And talking about positivity … one of the ways I have found to be positive and optimistic is to be grateful of everything and showing gratitude. For example, I grateful that I can read your this post because it makes me feel good 🙂

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:05 pm #

      Thanks, Timo!

      I agree – optimistic people find ways to kick the road blocks down and move on.


  3. John Soares January 25, 2011 at 2:12 am #

    Andrew, I’m a strong proponent of positive thinking, and I agree with much of what you say here.

    I do think it’s important to temper a positive attitude with a healthy dose of realism. I see many people, both in the area where I live and online, who don’t do the necessary due diligence for the business they want to start, and thus, despite a positive attitude, don’t achieve the success they’d hoped for.

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:11 pm #


      Excellent point.

      Or they are very positive on their business but their business is in the wrong niche!

      I see that very often.


  4. Vickie January 24, 2011 at 7:16 pm #

    Hello Andrew

    Great post. It is one thing to be positive when things go your way, how to maintain your level of consistency and commitment when things are stress if so important. You have named some really key ways and techniques that I use to manage my mindset, business vision and alignment with my purpose. thank you for sharing them. it is always a good thing to remember.


    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:07 pm #


      Very true – I think we all act a little differently when under pressure or suffering from stress.

      Being positive during those periods is hard!


  5. John January 24, 2011 at 11:52 pm #

    I really enjoyed the message in this article Andrew. Positive thinking is something that shouldn’t be overlooked because it can give us hope, strength, and passion in the time of adversity.

    I completely agree with your steps to achieve a positive mindset, but most importantly I agree that surrounding yourself around upbeat, positive people is necessary as well. Because sometimes we all hit rock bottom and we lose a little positivity, and we need those people with positive attitudes to help pick us back up.

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:08 pm #


      Great comment. You are right – you need your friends when you are feeling down.


  6. Edwin January 25, 2011 at 2:12 am #

    Pretty much, I stay positive by keeping a goal and or focus in my mind and know all my actions are leaning towards that goal

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:09 pm #


      How do you deal adversity?


      • Edwin January 25, 2011 at 9:21 pm #

        I just ignore them

  7. Delena Silverfox January 25, 2011 at 2:54 am #

    Staying positive, especially in the face of extreme or prolonged adversity can be tough! I lovedlovedLOVED the advice of “don’t be too hard on yourself.” I’m a hard nut to crack, but I can always get on myself too hard because I didn’t do a perfect job, or I didn’t meet the goal and it for some reason doesn’t matter that I either came really darn close or did something extraordinary in the process.

    The thing that works for me is gratitude. Daily gratitude. Even if it’s just being thankful for the adorable little smile my infant daughter is giving me. Just find something to be grateful for. It’s great practice for learning to see more good in your life!


    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:12 pm #


      I think we do take things for granted and being grateful is a great exercise to remind ourselves how lucky we are.


  8. Whiztechy January 25, 2011 at 4:50 pm #

    Love to read the post may be because you discussed about very basic problem which leads to failure. It is important to stay positive and motivated especially when things are not favorable. To stay positive,I always remember my goals and the reason why I started my work and what I truly love to do.

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:22 pm #


      You are one of the lucky ones who love what they do – that really helps with the positive mindset.


  9. Armel January 25, 2011 at 11:33 am #

    Your post about positive thinking really hits me. It taught me to think positively and only expect favorable results and situations even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be. Huge thanks for sharing it to us.

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:18 pm #


      You are welcome – glad it was of use.


  10. Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:25 pm #


    We are hard on ourselves – often for no reason.

    It’s a habit we HAVE to break.


  11. Steve Fat January 25, 2011 at 1:54 pm #

    A positive mental attitude makes a huge difference in virtually every aspect of daily life. Whether it’s business, family life, or your health, keeping things in perspective and maintaining a positive mental attitude can spell the difference between success and failure, especially when faced with the inevitable adversity that’s thrust upon us.

    I lost about 40 lbs, but it sure wasn’t always easy. Keeping myself in a positive frame of mind was essential to my success in that endeavor. Can you imagine facing any difficult challenge without staying positive? You’d wilt at the first sign of difficulty.

    What if you’re a blogger and the visitors just aren’t coming? What to do, keep at it, and make the changes necessary to be successful, or just throw in the towel? Your outlook dictates your decision. Stay positive and achieve!

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:20 pm #


      I am glad you brought up the comment about comments.

      It took me months of regular posting and commenting before I started to recieve my own.

      As you say…many would simply give up.


    • Debbie January 26, 2011 at 12:13 am #

      Hey Steve read your comment and hang in there. Most people do not see success because they give up to easily. If you really believe in what you are doing, just keep doing it. However i have been at my blog for quite some time and I finally did find Andrew and he has help me many bunches. His blogging course is great!!! As bloggers there is always something new to learn. You can do this. People do need help with weight lose.
      Have a wonderfuol evening,

  12. Alex January 25, 2011 at 9:31 pm #

    Hey Andrew,

    You are right, staying positive and thinking that your business will succeed will definitely give you the edge and will certainly help you to advance.

    Like you said, this might sound fluffy, but being a born pessimist and thinking that you will fail even before starting will make your plans seem bad and not up to par. Also, your determination and desire to work is lowered when you don’t have faith that your business will succeed.

    You can keep positive with different methods:
    You can watch videos of people making lots of money in the same business you are starting in.

    You can read success stories

    You can psych yourself by thinking of how much money or whatever you want to achieve and how it will be after you will make it.

    You can always make your best buddy cheer you 😀

    • Andrew January 26, 2011 at 3:50 pm #


      I read many successful peoples autobiographies.

      I get ideas from them.


  13. Lance January 25, 2011 at 6:18 pm #

    Ahh…great stuff! I’m all for positivity!! In fact, I really do try to focus on the good in all situations. Sure, there are moments where we have to be a realist…but my belief is that I can be a positive realist!

    And for me – that’s in really focusing on the inherent good that is within everyone. While it might not always shine through, I do believe it’s there. And that has been a real boost to my own positivity, in how I see the world around me.

    • Andrew January 25, 2011 at 7:40 pm #


      That is a real skill – seeing the best in everyone!


  14. Felicia January 26, 2011 at 10:02 am #

    Hi Andrew,
    Thanks for giving us encouragement and the motivation to keep going and have a positive outlook even if some things are going wrong in our lives. “Think what you have achieved so far” – that alone would give us a positive outlook in life and this would encourage us to go on.

    • Andrew January 26, 2011 at 3:51 pm #

      You are welcome, Felicia.

      A simple quote can make the world of difference.


  15. Dennis Edell January 26, 2011 at 4:42 pm #

    Surrounding myself with the right kinds of people has always been my itch. For whatever reason, I seem to be a magnate for just the opposite.

    • Andrew February 2, 2011 at 2:21 pm #


      Any thoughts as to why?


      • Dennis Edell February 3, 2011 at 6:35 pm #

        Bad previous life karma?

  16. Ishan February 1, 2011 at 12:55 pm #

    Hey Andrew,
    Nice reminder for us busy people! 😉
    Having a positive approach has definitely a big effect on life. I have seen many people being happy in adverse conditions. I, to some extent, have learned the way. Just make people around you happy, bring smiles on their faces and you will see the result. I still remember how I was joking after a car accident when whole family was a bit sad(I was the only one hurt in that!)

    • Andrew February 2, 2011 at 2:22 pm #


      Wow – sounds like you are a natural positive person. Someone to have around.


  17. Peggy Baron February 1, 2011 at 2:43 pm #

    Hi Andrew,

    I liked your achieving a positive mindset list. I’m usually an optimistic person, but there are occasional down times.

    I probably use “remember why you’re doing this” the most. Sometimes I find stepping away from it helps me gain perspective and renewed hope. At other times I might read a motivational book or watch an inspiring movie to get me back on track.


    • Andrew February 2, 2011 at 2:23 pm #

      Hi Peggy,

      Any books or movies you recommend?


  18. Anne Sales March 6, 2011 at 12:17 am #

    It’s so easy to get bogged down by day-to-day stuff. When everything goes wrong at the same time, I step back….literally. I go and do something completely different, and then remind myself of what I’ve learned and how I’ve grown. Took some time to develop this skill, but it works for me.

    • Andrew March 6, 2011 at 10:22 am #


      What sort of things do you do that are completely different?


      • Anne Sales March 10, 2011 at 8:05 pm #

        Andrew, I do simple things like playing with my dogs.
        In extreme cases, I’ll do something a kid would do, like finger-painting. It just gives me perspective. Weird hey?

        • Andrew March 11, 2011 at 8:55 am #


          Weird? No.

          Creative? YES!



  1. Tweets that mention Positive Bloggers Only Need Read This - January 24, 2011

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