When was the last time you deleted a plugin?
When did you last review all the plugins you have installed and activated on your blog?
Do all your plugins enhance your customers experience?
Check out my latest video in my ‘improve your blog speed’ video series:
Previous posts in this series:
Simple Speed Plugins Your Business Blog Needs
LOVE the newly coined phrase, Andrew!
See you series is going great; lots of great info I hope your readers will actually use.
I hope some of them use the ideas.
Speeding up your blog is something we all should take seriously.
Andrew, I’m a WordPress amateur, but I try to be very careful to only use plugins that are important. I just recently started using Share and Follow, which has really helped me with the social media buttons and encouraging people to subscribe and follow me on Twitter.
I also delete plugins I no longer use.
Thanks for the excellent vid with excellent advice.
I must admit I have gone through some stages where I come across a plugin and just have to have it!
There are of course, some plugins that are mandatory.
mmmm…just writing this comment has given me an idea of a blog post…I should share all the plugins I use and divide them into ‘mandatory’, ‘worth while’ and ‘nice to have’ headings. (Or names like that!).
One for next week, I think.
Smart idea for a short series Andrew. I’ll be watching.
Think about load time when you have a lot of plugins, especially those that are active on every blog post. There is also nothing wrong with keeping some plugins inactive and only activating them when you use them.
I agree with that. I have the maintenance and WP Optimize plugins inactive. I only activate them when needed.
I’m currently with 35 active and yes indeed everyone is used! 😉
Several more waiting on my desktop for time to learn them.
Whoopsy no no, that’s 25 active.
Well I have 43 active! Perhaps still too many. As per my comment in reply to John above, I shall share the ones I have in place next week.
What’s too many if they are all useful? 😉
I’m happy to report that I’m a blogmiser. 🙂 I try NOT to use them. I do have some I swear by and love, but I check them regularly and dump them if they aren’t useful. I also try to code some functionality myself (like my social networking bar above each post).
Your post made me feel good!
But deleting “Hello Dolly” over and over makes me NUTTY!
Perhaps…a plugmiser or plugomiser is a better name?
I also do some coding to replace certain plugins.
And yes…Hello Dolly – why o why is that in every release of WordPress!
thanks andrew, nice video. I, myself, avoid using plugins excessively in order to keep my blog’s performance high.
That’s great. Have you seen my other videos that help improve your blog speed as well?