Planning To Sell Your Blog?

selling-a-blogThere are a lot of reasons why website owners sell their blogs.

One of these reasons is that they may not have enough time to care for their blogs as before.

Or they have new projects that are more promising than the blog itself.

Or it’s just not working out as expect.

Or for just the simple reason that they just want to sell it.

Now, you may be planning on selling your blog but you don’t know how?

Here are a collection of blog posts that tell us how and where to sell a blog.

20 Sites to Sell Your Blogs or Websites by S. Pradeep Kumar

7 Ways to End a Blog byDarren Rowse

Where and How Can I Sell My blog? by Daniel Scocco

How to Sell Startup Websites Easily: My Interview With Ian and Amy by

What to Think About When You Sell Your Blog by John Chow

A Few Warnings When Selling Online Business Websites by Aaron Wall

Top Five sites Where You Can Sell Your Website by Sweta

Ever sold a blog? What’s your experience?

Please share your views in the comments below. Thanks.


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6 Responses to Planning To Sell Your Blog?

  1. Thomas Sinfield August 14, 2010 at 12:01 pm #

    I have some a couple for the high $xxx’s on DigitalPoint Forum, but nothing major! I tend to keep the ones that do well and the rest get left abandoned. Some great articles though, thanks for sharing them Andrew!

    • Andrew August 16, 2010 at 5:02 pm #

      I have a few that are abandonded as well – I need to dust them off and try and sell them.


  2. zezebel August 14, 2010 at 2:30 pm #

    Thank you for your article.
    I am not thinking on selling them since i am still new in blogging.

  3. Jason August 16, 2010 at 2:55 am #

    I’m not really seeing myself selling sites (that I actually own) in the future, I don’t even have an idea how to set a price for a certain blog/site, well that’s one amazing thing about SEMRush, they do the pricing for free.

    But if in case I get to have too many sites that I can’t be able to manage them all, I don’t think that I would still decide on selling them. I may just have to improve their Pageranks and just let it entice more advertisers 🙂 and perhaps might outsource other tasks to keep it regularly updated.


    • Andrew August 16, 2010 at 5:06 pm #

      I have a few that I started a couple of years ago and are dormant now but I just don’t know whether to sell or outsource the up-keep.



  4. Ben Lang August 16, 2010 at 8:43 am #

    Cool, might need this in about a year for EpicLaunch. Will definitely bookmark it.

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