Is Mastering Public Speaking Good for Bloggers?

mastering public speaking

Back in 2005 - me hosting an event!

Mastering Public Speaking is a huge skill for most successful businesspeople.

The ability to articulate ideas clearly and in an engaging way is fundamental for politicians, company directors and sales people.

The problem is, it is possibly one of the most nerve-wracking things a human being can do, ranking number three on the list of phobias, second only to spiders and snakes.

Think of Public Speaking and you may immediately condure up an image of standing on a stage in front of people talking about a subject. You might even feel frightened, as your little inner voice starts to say, ‘I hate public speaking. I can never do that’.

Many people can remember back to situations in their lives when they had to stand in front of a crowd, be it in the classroom or at a meeting, in order to deliver a speech or a presentation of some kind.

The fear is well remembered – that feeling of complete and utter horror at having people staring, waiting for the words to come out. The racing heartbeat, sweaty palms and the inability to concentrate are all too familiar feelings that we would just as soon forget.

Perhaps you were in school and were forced to give a speech. Maybe you dreaded that day for weeks ahead of time worrying and obsessing about how dumb you were going to feel and how uncomfortable it was going to be. But somehow, you got through it and survived. That doesn’t mean you ever want to do it again.

If you can remember feeling like this at one time or another and are very happy that you do not have to face that terribly uncomfortable situation anymore, then you are surely relieved.

During my corporate career, I delivered many presentations in front of thousands. Public speaking has never really concerned me. It was part of the job. See the image of me back in 2005? I hosted the company’s annual event.

Now I am a full-time blogger…has that changed?

Being a blogger, we just sit at our PC’s all day writing… tweeting… marketing… sending emails, don’t we?


Mastering public speaking is actually good for us as bloggers.

Public Speaking isn’t just about standing up on the stage and giving a presentation. It comes in to play when you attend meetings. As a blogger, perhaps you meet up with other bloggers on a regular basis and talk tips and techniques.

And what about teleconferences? Perhaps part of your service is a teleconference course when you have to speak to several customers (albeit on the end of a phone line). This is still public speaking.

And then of course, there are videos. Standing in front of a camera, making a video of yourself sharing advice is also Public Speaking.

Blogging is NOT just sitting at your PC all day, writing.

One of the most important aspects of blogging is building relationships and to do that you need to talk…you need to meet…you need to publicly speak.

Having a fear of public speaking could make you miss out on a lot of blogging opportuniues. All the big bloggers/Internet Maketers around stand on the stage in front of thousands, sharing their advice, and often get paid very well for doing so. Getting out there and being seen is as much a valuable part of building your business as writing regular blog updates.

Is that something you can see yourself doing?

Or would you be stuttering and saying things like ‘ahhh’ and ‘you know’?

What am I saying here?

First, let me make something clear: You don’t have to master public speaking to be successful at blogging.

BUT…if you want to speed up your success or want even more success, then public speaking is crucial.

Instead of being scared to death of being in the spotlight, no matter what the circumstances may be, after mastering public speaking you will feel comfortable and very willing to share your opinions and ideas with others. With the ability to speak well in public, you can form new friendships / relationships and that can only help your blogging success.

You must have a view on this one? What is it? How has public speaking helped you? How has it held you back?

Share you views in the comments below.


Get-applause-nowBy the way, a little plug for my public speaking course, which offers you some great tips and techniques for conquering your fear and making a great impression. Here’s the link: Mastering Public Speaking


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38 Responses to Is Mastering Public Speaking Good for Bloggers?

  1. Alex April 12, 2010 at 4:58 pm #

    Public speaking can be a horrifying thing to do but it is just another thing you get used to over time. Once you know that it doesn’t matter you get the hang of it.

    THe best way to get over the fear in my opinion is to fail miserably once and then see for yourself that nothing happened… you are still alive… Life continues.

    Same thing with all fears you can only surpass them by not avoiding them and instead go right into them.

    Thanks for the great article.
    .-= Alex@Zahnbleaching´s last blog ..Home Bleaching: Vor- und Nachteile von Bleaching Zuhause =-.

  2. Jen April 12, 2010 at 6:10 pm #

    Is it true what they say about kilts?

  3. Chris April 13, 2010 at 12:35 pm #

    without a doubt I think that’s important. Not only you will need it one day when your blog goes prime time. Also, that will help with your writing skill. If you think clearly, you writes clearly…
    .-= Chris@ 48hours logo´s last blog ..How to run a successful logo design contest =-.

  4. Julius Kuhn-Regnier April 13, 2010 at 10:50 am #

    Andrew are you from Scotland? I am just interested because I recently travel to Scotland.

    I like how you connected public speaking to blogging. I think many people make the mistake and think of blogging as sitting behind your desk and as not having to connect to any other people.

    But that’s really what blogging is about. It’s about talking to other people and building up relationships. Without it you will never become successful blogging.
    .-= Julius Kuhn-Regnier´s last blog ..What Traveling through Scotland Taught Me about Blogging =-.

    • Andrew April 13, 2010 at 6:37 pm #


      No I am not from Scotland.

      I was hosting the company event at Murrayfield (Scotland) and I thought it would be fun if I were to wear a kilt. Some loved it, some hated it – the fact that an Englishman was wearing a kilt.

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Testimonials =-.

  5. pravakar April 13, 2010 at 6:20 pm #

    I don’t think so. those are expert in public speaking will be able to good blogger

    • Andrew April 14, 2010 at 2:11 pm #


      I’m not too sure what you are saying, here.

      Are you saying you don’t think you need to be a good public speaker to be a VERY successful blogger?

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Blogging Guide: Improving Your WordPress SEO =-.

  6. Jon April 13, 2010 at 9:44 pm #

    I can relate to public speaking fears. Over the last few years I’ve had to overcome them and I’m doing better. My daughter just won a persuasive speech competition at school, don’t know where she gets that from!

    • Andrew April 14, 2010 at 2:17 pm #


      Good news – you are doing better. Great news about your daughter!


  7. Debbie April 13, 2010 at 6:07 pm #

    When I was in sales and we had our meeting sometimes I had to talk to new consultants. Actually I loved it as long as I had no doubt and knew my subject well.

    The only part I don’t like is that I have a very low voice and hate the sound of it on tape.


    • Andrew April 14, 2010 at 2:10 pm #


      I think we all hate our voice when it is recorded.

      I remember many years ago, while at school I used to be a DJ. I was hopeless – I didn’t have the nerve to speak and the first time I did – everyone took the “Mickey” out of my London accent!

      These days, I don’t care!

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Blogging Guide: Improving Your WordPress SEO =-.

  8. Dennis Edell April 13, 2010 at 8:04 pm #

    I disagree. Aside from actually having to be “on stage”, I disagree with the analogies you gave.

    “As a blogger, perhaps you meet up with other bloggers on a regular basis and talk tips and techniques.” – you mean like having dinner with other bloggers? No real skills needed there, just be yourself.

    Teleconferences – many that fear public speaking love the phone BECAUSE it’s not “public” speaking.

    Videos – OK Judgment call, lol. Still much easier for many though as long as they don’t imagine how many are on the other side.
    .-= Dennis Edell @ Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..New Updated Long Detailed Comment Policy Coming very SOON! Among Others… =-.

    • Andrew April 14, 2010 at 2:14 pm #


      I think a lot of people find it hard to be ‘themselves’ when meeting new people and are then ‘afraid’ to speak/talk.

      Re: Teleconferences. There are also many that still have the fear!

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Blogging Guide: Improving Your WordPress SEO =-.

  9. Lance Nelson April 13, 2010 at 8:17 pm #

    Hi Andrew,

    I kinow how the job ensures you just have to do it.. and after a short while you enjoy it.

    I totaly agree public speaking and blogging are related… and I think the connection will increase. Internet. social media = same emotions we have always had… so conveying those in person, via video or via words are not totally alien things: especially videos which are a little like public speaking.

    Your post reminds me of being on a public speaking couese 11 years ago and being told to drop the power point. How right the lecturer was. Just a few low tech sheets. My final presentation improved by so much the lesson has been hard wired into me (powerpoint reputedly was made for geeks to make it easier for them to speak..)

    low tech rules… look at Steve Jobs and his public speaking for good examples.

    thanks for talking so much sense.
    .-= Lance Nelson´s last blog ..YouTube Video: It’s Serious Fun For Travel Bloggers =-.

    • Andrew April 14, 2010 at 2:16 pm #


      You are right about PowerPoint. 99% of people, who use it, use it to remind them of what to say. Just bullet points!

      Public speaking is about sharing your passion and advice – just like blogging I suppose. You don’t need PowerPoint.

      Props are good for getting your point across, though.

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Blogging Guide: Improving Your WordPress SEO =-.

  10. Andrew April 14, 2010 at 2:08 pm #


    Getting a book published is on my list of goals. It would be nice!

    .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Blogging Guide: Improving Your WordPress SEO =-.

  11. Dana April 14, 2010 at 2:13 pm #

    Agree that public speaking is important when you become full time blogger. Blogging is a work indeed.
    .-= Dana @ Blogging Tips Blog´s last blog ..How To Create Blog Logo Easily by Using GIMP #5 (Finish) =-.

  12. Ted Hessing April 14, 2010 at 7:04 pm #

    I found that joining Toastmasters was not only a phenomenal way to improve my public speaking skills, it made all of my communications tighter and more polished.

    Blog articles make great short speeches and vice versa!

  13. Ching Ya April 15, 2010 at 9:33 am #

    I’m enjoying every bit of this post, Andrew. 🙂 I used to take part in storytelling when I was little, gave a few speeches but after I grew up, very seldom I had the chance to speak in public. My last presentation in uni was enjoyable, I love to tell stories and spread a little jokes around (but that was the only time I spoke in English). I’m not a native English speaker, you can probably tell from the way I ‘talk’. 😛 Still, I’m so glad you are connecting PS to blogging! Fact is, we are presenting everyday when we’re expressing ourselves with words and illustrations, then on Skype when we ‘meet’ the bloggers, sharing experiences; not to mention, vblogging – which is a stage I have yet to venture, but planning to in near future.

    You are very experienced with your presentation. I think what my past PS experiences had taught me is to be clear, to enjoy the process and provide value to the audiences (knowledge & a good time). Thanks for reminding me “You don’t have to master public speaking to be successful at blogging” because I’m certainly no where near to be perfect, but I do need some practice and hard work to be ‘ok’. ^^

    Social/Blogging Tracker
    .-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..How to Improve Facebook Engagement by Decluttering News Feed =-.

  14. Benjamin April 15, 2010 at 1:27 pm #

    You make a good point, Andrew…

    I actually feel that public speaking is one of my strengths, and that has helped me in many ways for my online endeavors… the only challenge is it seems like (just as Corinne was saying) none of the groups I manage to speak with really ‘get’ blogging… and my topic seems to make it even more challenging for them.

    Other than getting published (one of my many long term goals)… do you have any thoughts on finding a receptive group that will appreciate the suggestion to ‘visit my blog’?


    .-= Benjamin@Daily Meditation´s last blog ..Daily Meditation – Soften (4-13-10) =-.

  15. S. Williams April 15, 2010 at 3:31 pm #


    I hate the thought of standing in front of people and speaking, but I can see how it would help you to communicate more effectively with your niche audience.

    In fact, it would help a great deal with making videos for your Blog, which would build a lot of credibility with your readers.

    Oh well, I am still trying to get up the nerve to make some videos, I know it helps people to learn (visual aids), because it really helped me…most of the products I buy online are video series.

    The more I interact with my readers, the more comfortable I become with the idea of speaking to them in person, or through video.

    Your article made a great point.

    Thanks for listening!


  16. Chris April 16, 2010 at 12:05 am #

    I think if you plan to ever build your reputation by using offline means such as conferences etc. then yes it is definitely worth the time to learn the skill.
    .-= Chris@Money Making Ideas´s last blog ..Cash Crate Review =-.

  17. Bruce "the Mid-Life Mentor" April 16, 2010 at 2:25 am #

    Andrew, love the kilt! Public speaking is the way to set yourself apart in your local market. I agree completely.
    .-= Bruce “the Mid-Life Mentor”´s last blog ..5 Tips to help Your skin look better =-.

  18. Julius April 18, 2010 at 8:35 pm #

    I believe that your skill in public speaking helps you in creating blog posts. This is because public speaking skills such as your ability to be conversational and the passion you have would also reflect on how you write your articles.
    .-= Julius´s last blog ..How to Caption Videos in YouTube =-.

  19. Kok Siong April 19, 2010 at 12:47 pm #

    Hi Andrew! I just know that you are a good public speaker indeed. I love to join the public speaking competition when i was in secondary school. The difference is, i used to speak in Mandarin. 🙂
    Yes, blogging is not just writing. We need to communicate with others especially the readers. I’m still learning the communication skill. Thanks for your sharing Andrew! 🙂
    .-= Kok Siong @ Cancer Research´s last blog ..Tamoxifen – Breast Cancer Treatment =-.

    • Andrew April 19, 2010 at 1:44 pm #

      Kok Siong

      You are welcome – I hope it helps a little.

      Do you PS now?

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Have You Ever Worked Out Your Value Per Hour? =-.

      • Kok Siong April 19, 2010 at 1:51 pm #

        Yes, i still PS now with mandarin in my University. I used to deliver the talk to my juniors especially in buddhism and character building.
        .-= Kok Siong @ Cancer Research´s last blog ..Tamoxifen – Breast Cancer Treatment =-.

  20. raksamuda April 25, 2010 at 5:29 am #

    public speaking is a scary thing for me. but I see you so relaxed in dealing with a lot of people even if you wear clothes that I thought was funny

  21. Marcus April 27, 2010 at 10:41 am #

    Nice article. At least I am not sure why an ability like public speaking should help us creating blog posts. Isn’t a good writing style more important to express yourself and get trained to react on questions and discussion in public?

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