listen-to-customersHusband comes homes from work.

“Hello dear…I’m home” he says walking into the kitchen.

His wife is waiting and greeting him with a kiss.

“How’s your day been?” asks the husband.

Wife: “Really good. I started an affair with the milkman this morning. He’s lovely”

Husband: “Oh good. That’s nice”

Wife: “Yes…I just felt I needed to”

Husband: “You deserve it”

How many of these type of conversations happen in households every day?

One partner (normally the husband!) doesn’t really listen to the other and they just pretend they are listening.

It’s the same with customers and clients.

Quite often we, the service providers, THINK we are good at listening to our customers.

We THINK we want to hear constructive feedback.

We THINK we will definitely act on the feedback.

BUT when it happens:

We choose to ignore it – “it’s only one customer’s opinion”

We say, “Who do they think they are?”

We DON’T take any action.

BUT as a service provider you MUST ask your customers for feedback…you MUST take each piece of feedback seriously…you MUST act on it.

A few weeks ago, I asked my visitors this question:

Do you love or hate my rotating banner?

Visitors could vote and currently, 50% of the visitors who voted said they ‘hated it’.

That is fantastic feedback.

Does that mean 50% of my visitors will never return because they hate the rotating banner?

Maybe. I’d be surprised if it were 50% but some won’t.

I’m not taking the chance – I’ve removed the rotating banner.

Thanks to everyone who voted – I really appreciate your feedback.
