Life is not just about blogging, is it?

pedometerSome of you know and will have seen that my wife and I celebrated 25 years of marriage this year. We celebrated by going to Kenya including a safari.

It was awesome and you can see some of the highlights on some of the posts on this blog.

We took hundreds of photos and videos.

This past weekend, we watched the videos. We plugged the camera into the TV, cup of tea in hand, sat back and watched.

I was shocked by what I saw!

Shocked by what?

How fat I looked!

I know they say TV adds 10 pounds to you but, boy, I really looked over weight!

You see not that long ago, I used to walk at least 2 miles a day, walking to and from work.

I’ve given up the corporate world and no longer have to walk to work.

Well, in fact, that’s a lie. I do walk to work. From one bedroom to another (my office). Takes all of 5 seconds.

I’d turn on the pc.

Check and read all my emails.

Check my blog visitors’ stats.

Visit the forums I am a member of and answer some questions, perhaps, post some of my own questions.

Scan my Twitter accounts.

Check my favourite blog sites to see if I’d like to comment.

That could take up to an hour.

Then I’d walk downstairs, make my first cup of coffee, walk back upstairs and back in front of the PC. Back to work…writing blog posts, marketing, learning new blogging ideas, creating products…all the normal things.

No daily exercise!

I purchased one of those pedometers to check how many steps I was doing in a normal working day.

Approx 250!

That’s about 500 meters!

Don’t get me wrong, my wife and I go ballroom and Latin dancing twice a week. We play badminton once a week. I also, normally play tennis once a week, so I am getting some exercise.

But it’s the walking to and from work that I’ve missed and that’s what I am blaming my weight explosion on.

So now, instead of turning on the PC and checking my emails…I go for a walk.

I pretend I am walking to work and walk a couple of miles before I start.

Now I aim to reach 6,000 steps on my pedometer each day. That way I know I am walking 3 miles each day.

If I don’t reach it my 6pm, I go for another walk until I do.

It makes me do that little bit extra exercise.

What do you do before staring work?

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5 Responses to Life is not just about blogging, is it?

  1. Klaus October 15, 2009 at 7:31 am #

    Oh my, this post makes me feel terrible. I have almost the same problem as you, except I do in fact walk to the office, but it takes less than 5 minutes.

    Well, now it’s getting cold outside so it’s not too hot to go for a walk anymore, maybe I should start doing 1 hour of walk few times a week and get a bit more back in shape.

    Just need to find a way not to “feel like I’m wasting precious blogging time” when I’m out walking… any ideas?

    • Andrew Rondeau October 16, 2009 at 3:10 am #


      You have to force yourself. Just looking at that video of me, looking so fat, is a good incentive for me!

      While you walk, you could listen to an audio of a blogging or internet course.

      You could take a voice recorder and record your blogging thoughts ideas, posts.

      You could take your camera and take some pictures for your blog posts!

      I try and walk a different route every few days – that way I see new things.

      Come back and let us know you are doing it!


  2. Klaus October 16, 2009 at 3:15 am #

    That’s definitely some good suggestions – I’ll have to keep them in mind next month when I intend to start on my “new life” 🙂
    .-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..A Missing Dot Crashed Swedish Domains For Up To 24 Hours =-.

  3. Thu Nguyen December 11, 2010 at 7:49 am #

    I know that feeling because I have a job where it’s sedentary as well and once I get off, exercise is the last thing I think about. However, lately I’ve been motivated to get up a bit earlier, if not stay up a bit later to do some exercising.

    It can get hard with the cold weather here in Chicago’s winter. Moreover, it’s tricking the body to think that it’s still young again. 😛 I think that has helped me become energize with just that little tidbit.

    The only challenge is to see how long it will last!

    Just wouldn’t want to look in the mirror again and see a bulge. LOL. Hope you find a definite plan to instill some of your walking Andrew.

    Talk soon!

  4. Andrew December 12, 2010 at 12:15 pm #


    I’ve really moved on since this post!

    I’ve decided to write about it here:


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