Today I looked at my Google Analytics and noticed a ‘spike’ in traffic every 10 days or so. After investigation, I found the traffic ‘spike’ coincided with my blog broadcast automatically sent out by Aweber.
You can set up Aweber to automatically send out a Blog Broadcast newsletter which contains links to x number of blog posts on your blog (where x is a number you can choose).
I’ve chosen 10. So after 10 new blogs posts are published on my blog, Aweber sends out an email newsletter to all my subscribers.
Subscribers who may have missed a few of the posts can click on the link and come back to visit. Hence the traffic spike.
Here’s what you need to do to set up your blog broadcast:
1. Sign in to your Aweber account. If you do not have an existing account yet, then sign-up or register for a new account. You have to make sure that you have selected the correct Current List. The current list is the broadcast list where you wish to send the blog to.
2. Point your cursor at “Messages” in the tab menu. Don’t click. A drop-down will appear containing 3 options:
“Follow Up”
“Blog Broadcast”
3. Click on “Blog Broadcast”. The Blog Broadcast Edit Page will appear.
4. Click on the big green button, “+ Create New Blog Broadcast”.
5. This is where you start to build your automatic Blog Broadcast. Firstly, enter your blog’s RSS feed URL.
6. Select a template and click the ‘Load Template’ button.
7. By clicking the ‘Load Template’ button, the necessary code for the automatic links will be added to the template area.
8. You may wish to edit the automatic loaded code by including a welcome introduction and close. This is mine:
9. Change the subject line of the email.
10. It’s best to create another message in the “plain text” box because not all html messages are accepted. So you can just copy/paste the text from the HTML box.
11. You may now schedule your blog broadcast.
Set how many times you wish to send your blog broadcast. You can choose on which day and at what specific time it is to be broadcast.
Furthermore, you can also choose to automatically send your email or preview it first before sending. All you have to do is check or uncheck “Send Automatically” box.
There are also additional features available like tracking clicks on blog broadcast links and blog broadcast syndication.
I set mine to be sent automatically whenever 10 blog pots have been reached.
12. Finally, don’t forget to save your blog broadcast.
Once set up and saved, that’s it. Your blog’s newsletter will be sent out automatically to all your subscribers.
Have you used the Aweber Blog Broadcast facility? Seen any positive results? Share your views in the comments below.
Hi friend,
I am visiting this site for the first time. I heard about Aweber through one of my friend.. It seems to be useful.. Now in this article you have mentioned about how to use Aweber. Definitely i will try this..
I really like Aweber and am currently moving all my existing lists over to it.
This is great. Thanks for all the details in setting this Aweber blog posting for customers.
It is really good they way you write things up and walk a person right through the process. You have a way of making it so easy.
Thank you Andrew,
Thanks, Debbie.
Come back and let us know what difference it makes to your traffic.
Wow. I never it’s so effective before this. I never make any list instead I Just rely on traffic and then FeedBurner.
Maybe this Aweber is going to be my next step.. Thanks!
Aweber is worth the investment if you are wanting to build a list (which I do recommend).
i know about this method. But i prefer with normal way than using aweber. Sometimes, i feel annoying when some blogger did this..
What do you mean by normal way?
Thanks for great post. You have clearly explained setting about Aweber, I think will follow your guideline
Thanks, Chris.
Ya gotta love picture books! 😉 Seriously though, that’s an excellent step by step and I too have been a very satisfied Aweber user for a few years now.
I’m not sure I agree with 10 though, especially if you want them all read there and then; seems a bit much.
What about 5?
LOL Numbers are numbers dude.
It’s kinda like the round up posts everyone does. Do you want recipients to save them in a folder as a “resource” or do you want them to hopefully have enough time to click each link and read right there and then…
Yeah, that’s true – “want them to hopefully have enough time to click each link and read right there ”
Think I shall reduce to 5 and see if it has any impact.
Another fantastic “to do” provided by you. It’s on the list and makes perfect sense to start doing in the new year. Thank you!
Congratulations on being posted in two different blog carnivals over Christmas holiday! I’d love to include you in my next “Stay Young – from the Inside Out” blog carnival.
No commluv button anymore?
I hope the Blog Broadcast works for you. I shall add your carnival to my list!
Had to remove the commluv button – it wasn’t working. I think a conflict wih another plugin and needs looking at.
Excellent! I broadcast my blog through Aweber every 3 days and it really helps to keep traffic up and my subscribers don’t seem to mind getting the email often. I love it.
Using blog broadcasts gets people back to the site and into more participation and trust.
I’ve changed to 5 blog posts (normally 5 days) now and see how that goes.
Hi Andrew….
I use Aweber and have not yet utilized the Blog Broadcast and have been thinking about doing this. You just made it soooo easy for me to see how and why to do it!
Thanks & Happy New Year!
Great, Ellie. I am now sending out my blog broadcast after 5 blog posts and not 10 – as a result of some of the other comments.
Happy New Year!
Thanks for your submission to the Seventy Fourth edition of the Blog Carnival: Blogging. Your post has been accepted and its live:
This website or blog posted is way too good for all readers, and especially like to those who are new and also in need of more information about things in internet, happening, life style, events, and etc.
Thanks to the owner of this article, more power and good luck…
Kind words, Robert – thanks.
Great instructions. All the comments are making me now re-think broadcasting every time I post, but for bloggers like me who only write several times per month I think it make sense! Thanks again!
Thanks for dropping by. If you only blog a few times a month, that would make sense.
Hi Andrew
Thanks for the great and easy to follow step by step instructions on integrating aWeber with WordPress.
The things we can do on the internet are simply amazing!
Kind regards
Anita Skinner
.-= Anita Skinner´s last blog ..There’s Nothing like The ‘JV Easter Giveaway’ to Build Your List =-.
You are welcome and I am glad you found it useful.
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Blogging Guide: Feedback On Our Free Guide =-.
I have 3 lists on Aweber which I would like to receive each blog broadcast. Does anyone know if there is a way to setup on blog broadcast and have it send to multiple lists, as you can with a regular broadcast message?
I am trying to avoid setting up a blog broadcast on each list which sends the same thing out for fear of people signed up to one of my lists receiving duplicate emails. I also like to write up a unique open to each broadcast, and would rather not have to re-write it 3 times.
I can envision having a dozen lists one day which I would all want to receive the same blog broadcast, and I definitely don’t want to repeat each process a dozen times!
I don’t THINK you can do that. Have you tried asking Aweber live support – they provide excellent service.
.-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Make A Blog Income Without Working Hard =-.
I had my blog broadcast to go out 3 times per week, now set it to once per week as I don’t want to annoy people with less-than-great content!
You have to test these things and see if fewer people unsubscribe.
Have you seen a difference?
Thanks for the information. I have an Aweber account and had no idea that I could do that. The best thing is that it is very automatic. also, it is good because instead of sending too many emails to your list, you can send them with a little more separation.
Glad you like it…agreed…don;t send to many emails to your lsit.
Thanks for this post, Andrew.
I just added Aweber to a new site I’m developing and there’s a lot to learn. I feel like I have it almost set up the way I want it now and I must say, it’s extremely powerful compared to Feedburner.
Seems like money well spent!
There’s a huge difference between Aweber and Feeburner. Aweber has much more functionality including autoresponders.