How To Predict What Your Customers Want

spy glasses - latest trend?

spy glasses - latest trend?

In a recent blog posting I discussed how you should follow the latest Internet marketing trends and profit.

In this article we shall discuss how to actually predict what your customers want from you, whether that is a service or a product.

If you own a business then you are going to want to increase your business revenue and profit over the next year. One way to do that is to jump onto the trends of customers wants.


Listen to them and watch them.

As simple as that?

For example, let’s take a look at todays most fickle and picky generation – teenagers.

Today’s teenagers know what they want and even more importantly, know what they don’t want.

They want the latest gadget mobile phone with hundreds of features (but they mainly text!).

They want the latest, thinnest, smallest, lightest iPod (and they want someone to load the music for them!).

They want to connect to the Internet from anywhere. Their birthday and Christmas present lists include ‘top of the range’ laptops and super-speed ‘wireless’ Internet connectivity.

They are creative and are creating and writing their own blogs.

They are sending messages, videos, spending hours everyday on networking sites like FaceBook.

They are creating virtual networks of friends from all over the world.

They are WOW (World of Warcraft) gaming or playing on their Xbox360.

Their bedrooms are full of the latest technology.

Some have their own businesses and websites, as well.

They want all this now, today. Today’s teenagers have no patience and they don’t want to wait. They want it NOW!

Teenagers are the ones ‘calling the shots’.

Take a look at what today’s teenagers are doing, how they are acting, what they are wanting and demanding and that will help you predict what some of your customers want from you.

By studying what teenagers are spending their time and money (or parents money!) on, it will help you plan your business using the ebusiness marketing trends of the future.

It is also very important to look at what teenagers are not spending their money on.

In order to understand your customer’s wants, take advantage of all of the tools that the Internet has to offer.

For instance, spend 30 minutes on the following sites and you will know what people are looking for via the Internet. That research may give you ideas of what you could offer your customers.

1. Amazon.

Check out the top sellers on Amazon. What is selling the most?

2. Ebay

Check out the top sellers on Ebay. Again, what is selling the most?

3. Yahoo buzz

What are people searching for, on the Internet? Yahoo Buzz will tell you.


Tells you what are the top selling magazines by category.


Check out the trends on the “Most Popular Topics” and the “Most Popular How-To’s”

The better you have listened to your customers, researched what people are searching for via the Internet, the better your business will be positioned to offer the latest e-business marketing trends.

Must dash, my son needs help setting up his new 50inch plasma TV.

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2 Responses to How To Predict What Your Customers Want

  1. CJ February 9, 2010 at 1:37 am #

    WOW! And not the game either. I don’t have teenagers, but I was one once. Funny how things don’t really change. We all wanted the latest and greatest, but rarely use all the features.

    With so much technology coming out so quickly it’s a wonder that anyone can keep up with it. I must admit, I never thought to use ebay to see the trends.

    Guess I need to go through my forums because reaching my target audience is a little more challenging since it’s service based not product based. Though this list will come in handy when we start product reviews.
    .-= CJ @ Page Landing´s last blog ..Page Landing – Cleared for Landing Page Design =-.

    • Andrew Rondeau February 9, 2010 at 4:49 pm #


      All I can add, is do as much research as you can. It will make all the difference. Obviously there will be a time to start creating your service / product but research is critical.


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