How To Make A Blog Part Sixteen: How To Spend Less Time Blogging

This is the last post in my ‘how to make a blog‘ series…so here goes…

You get twenty-four hours a day to do what you want.

If you want to be a successful blog owner, you have to create content, deal with SEO, tweak your site, comment, social bookmark, build backlinks, update software…

Then there is PPC, advertising, affiliates, dealing with clients, building relationships, creating products and numerous other tasks.

Oh…and then of course, you want to spend time with your family and have some fun.

And what about some lovely sleep?

How To Make a Blog: The problem is…24 hours is not enough!

The trick, of course, is you have to get the most out of those 24 hours.

But you are only one person and you can only do so much.

If you want your on-line business to progress and prosper…YOU HAVE TO GET SOME HELP.

There are some things you can’t do.

There are some things you don’t want to do.

There are some things you don’t have time to do.

What is the answer?


This definition of outsourcing is taken from the free dictionary online.

“To send work out to an outside provider or manufacturer to cut costs or free-up time”

Outsourcing can be as simple as having your blog posts proofread to someone maintaining your blog to someone building your product.

Now, outsourcing doesn’t have to be expensive.

If you have friends and family who are willing to help, assign them things to do.

If you have something to trade, look for people to partner with.

And if you have the funds, outsource as much of your on-line business as you can.

Three principles you should adhere to.

#1: Stick to what you like doing

If you can write, stick to the writing. If you like making video type products, stick to making them.

If you like the technical side, stick to the technical side.

Stick to the things you are good at and like doing.

#2: Avoid tasks that aren’t enjoyable.

Get other people to do as many of the tasks you don’t enjoy, as possible.

#3: Avoid tasks that take up too much time

Even if you enjoy a task, if it takes you 3 hours but someone else could do in 30 minutes…get them to do it for you.

For example, experienced article writers can produce up to three or four articles in an hour.

If one post takes you 1 hour and you post 4 times a week, that’s 4 hours you could be saving or getting on with something more productive, or relaxing with your family.

Outsource and you’ll be a much happier person in the process.

How To Determine What To Outsource

For the next week, make a note of every activity you do for your on-line business.

Create content, update plugins, checking your stats, site design, commenting…everything.

Then next to each activity, write down how much time you spend on the activity.

Once the week is up, write down next to each activity the word, ‘Love’ or ‘Hate’.

‘Hate’ for the activities you don’t like doing or take too long.

‘Love’ for the activities you like/love doing.

What To Outsource

Firstly, prioritize your ‘Hate’ list.

Starting at the top of the ‘Hate’ list – i.e. the most hated activity…decide if you’d like to outsource that activity.

If not, go onto the next activity in your ‘HATE’ list.

Once you have chosen the activity, you want to ‘test’ the outsourcer.

For instance, if you wanted to outsource your content writing and each month you publish 10 blog posts, you wouldn’t want to ask your ‘new’ outsourcer to provide you with all 10 blog posts. At this stage you don’t know how good their writing skills are. So, ask them to write one or 2.

Where To Find Outsources

Here are the most popular ‘outsourcing’ websites in alphabetical order: This is a free classified ads site. If you’re interested in working with someone locally, this is a good place to start your search. This is perhaps one of the best known outsourcing sites. Here’s another large, general freelancing site. This general outsourcing site is different from the others in that the focus is on hourly jobs rather than fixed-fee jobs.

The Outsourcing Summary…

You are most probably working too many hours on your on-line business.

There are activities that you HATE doing and could easily be given to someone else to do.

Make a list of all your activities you carry out on your on-line business over the next week and note the amount of time spent.

Add the word ‘Hate’ or ‘Love’ to each activity.

Prioritize the ‘HATE’ activities and decide which one to outsource.

Ask friends and family to see if they have the skills to help you.

Ask someone you could partner with and trade activities.

Research the above listed websites.

Once you start to outsource, you won’t look back…I promise!

25% Off Blog Maintenance and Blog Writing

If you are interested in outsourcing your blog maintenance or blog writing, until 22nd June I have these special offers on right now. Click on this link for more details:

Blog Maintenance and Blog Writing Special Offers

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22 Responses to How To Make A Blog Part Sixteen: How To Spend Less Time Blogging

  1. William Veasley June 18, 2012 at 1:17 pm #

    Andrew: Very informative blog post! I try to always stick to doing things that I enjoy because otherwise I will bore myself and give up. My pasion is what drives me and I know that I get more work done with a team, but I am slowly finding the right people. I believe that with time I will find all the right people who I can help and that can help me succeed.

    Best wishes,
    William Veasley

    • Andrew June 20, 2012 at 3:17 am #


      I know what you mean about finding the right/best people to work with.

      It can take many times of trying someone out before you find the right people.

      Good luck!


  2. Andrew June 20, 2012 at 3:19 am #

    Thanks, Corinne.

    I have met some clients who have become excellent friends.

    This year (and next) I intend to visit some face to face!


    P.S. Yes…expand a little and make a book from it.

  3. Anton Koekemoer June 21, 2012 at 1:28 am #

    Hi Andrew,

    I do agree – Outsourcing does have its advantages. But also comes other disadvantages, namely one of the big cons are the revenue generated – People tend to want to receive more than what they are prepared to give (in general), and managing the people you are outsourcing to can be time consuming as well (Not to mention daylight savings if you outsource across international borders. Not even to mention the quality of the content you are getting from the people you are outsourcing to (Again – if you pay peanuts you get monkeys). When it comes to saving time and increasing revenue outsourcing can be prenominal for you and your business – if done right and to the right people.

    • Andrew June 22, 2012 at 7:11 am #


      I understand where you are coming fom but get outsourcing right and I cannot see the disadvantages.

      Outsourcing is like managing staff…once you found the right people.

      At first, you test them, you quality check their work, you give them small tasks.

      Over a period of time, you start to trust them, give them bigger pieces of work, still check their work but get it right and there is no going back.


  4. Joe June 22, 2012 at 6:40 pm #

    Making a “hate” list – I like the sound of that! Also, I agree with pretty much everything in your article Andrew. I run several blogs and would never have time to maintain and update them on a regular basis if it weren’t for outsourcing. It’s always a challenging finding good people, but once you do it makes it so much easier to keep everything running.

    • Andrew July 9, 2012 at 4:09 am #


      …and when you find the good ones…don’t let them go!


  5. Elena Anne June 25, 2012 at 9:44 am #

    I think we all could spend a little less time blogging if we wrote within time constraints. Having that accountability will encourage us to write more effectively. In addition, check out my new blog post on saving costs:

  6. Mariella Lombardi June 25, 2012 at 9:57 am #

    I think that when you blog about what you are passionate about, it solves a lot of these issues. Great advice, especially about outsourcing. It is one option that should not be overlooked.

    • Andrew July 9, 2012 at 4:11 am #


      I know we all say it…”passion is key” but it’s true.

      A few years back I started blogs in subjects I knew little about…it quickly became a chore.


  7. Jean July 11, 2012 at 11:34 pm #

    Oh I totally agree that 24 hours is just not enough. Sometimes I wish days were 48 hours long! Lately I have been considering outsourcing with some serious thought. There are a lot of tasks that truly put me to sleep. But of course, what to outsource is the main thing. I like your idea of making a hate list and ranking the worst of the worst tasks in decreasing order of worseness. Also, I think tasks that despite being unpleasant, require your unique touch to it, have to be done by yourself.


    • Andrew July 12, 2012 at 12:43 am #


      What are you considering to outsource?


      • Jean July 12, 2012 at 10:04 pm #

        A lot of the backlinking work as well as article writing. I figure others may possess more experience in certain areas and be able to delve into a new avenue that perhaps I never would have thought of and thus adding extra value and perspectives.


        • Andrew July 13, 2012 at 10:57 pm #


          Be careful on the backlinking work…things regarding backlinking has changed recently. I have many new clients who have come to me because they have been penalized by the recent Google algorithm changes.


  8. Matt July 14, 2012 at 3:44 pm #

    I love the idea of roping in friends and family. As of now, my daughter will have additional ‘homework’ to complete. The difficult part though is not using up any time I save on some other blogging-related task.

    • Elena Anne July 17, 2012 at 3:43 am #

      Keeping it in the family, i like it! She may be writing her own blog in no time!

  9. Bill Burniece July 23, 2012 at 5:03 pm #

    Hi Andrew: Great work here. I agree with Corrine above. I’m not too tech-savvy but I can write and I’m passionate about my topic. The best compliment ever paid to me was when I stopped blogging for a spell and many people we’re asking what happened to me. Thanks again!

    Bill Burniece
    Denver, CO

    • Andrew July 24, 2012 at 4:13 am #


      That is a great compliment. I assume you started blogging again?

      Do you outsource your technical requirements?


  10. Steve August 21, 2012 at 4:36 am #

    I’m very glad of you to share this wonderful tips ! Basically it takes to much time to make wonderful blog but it take to much time but I would follow up your this article.

  11. Steve August 22, 2012 at 11:04 pm #

    It take to much time to create a blog & than create & maintain blog design & add gadget also ! I’m also agree with your view for build a blog in less time ! As you have gave direction to build blog in short or less time than surely I would follow your direction to build blog.

  12. Felicia September 19, 2012 at 2:04 am #

    Hi Andrew,
    I particularly like the part on the things you may want to outsource. I’ve never really seen the hate list that way until you pointed it out. Thanks

    • Andrew September 25, 2012 at 9:34 am #


      You should exploit your strengths and let others do the things you are not good at – they are often the things you hate.


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