organic free trafficSo, you’ve got your domain name, you’ve got your hosting and you’ve built your blog.

Now you want some visitors, don’t you?

And you are thinking, I’ve got to write hundreds of articles and I must start commenting on other blogs, and what about all those backlinks. Back-linking is all the rage and you don’t want to miss out, do you?

You just don’t know where to start and you start to sign up for all these free reports on ‘traffic building’ and they all recommend different things.

You start to feel overwhelmed.

Am I right?

If so, don’t feel bad. I’ve been in exactly the same position.

When you first start out, you want a simple plan of activities.

A plan of just a few activities, you can stick to.

Now in this post I am going to talk about ‘organic’ traffic. That means free traffic. Traffic that just comes to your site naturally (as the name implies – organically).

Getting organic traffic via the search engines and links from other sites can be free and it only involves your time and effort.

Sometimes, there are tools that are worth investing in, that improve your productivity, but it can all be completed for no cost.

Now at this stage, I must reiterate the activity of keyword research.

It is a must.

You can watch my videos here to see how to pick the best keywords for your niche.

So, I shall assume you have picked your best keywords.

Then install the All-in-one-seo pack WordPress plugin – see this video here.

Ping your site using PinGoat.

Pingoat is a service that pings or notifies a number of services that keep track of weblogs and publishes them. By pinging, you let the services know that your blog has been updated and hence, they crawl and index your site, publishing your blog’s content, thus increasing your blog’s popularity.

RSS Feeds

Now, before you start blog posting, you want to submit your sites RSS feed to several online RSS Feed Aggregators.

If you have started blogging already, it doesn’t matter. Submit your sites feed to the RSS Aggregators NOW!

So what does submitting your sites RSS feed to the aggregators do?

In simple terms, every time you add a blog post, your RSS feed automatically updates on the feed aggregators.

So what?

Well, millions of individuals sign up to the feed aggregator sites and monitor the feeds.

That can bring you traffic.

But as important, each RSS feed will give you a “backlink” to your blog.

And, even better. You only have to submit your RSS feed once to each of the aggregators. Once submitted, everything is automatic. You never have to do it again.

There are many feed aggregators to submit your RSS feeds to, and below are just some of the more popular ones.

Powerful tip: Not only can you submit your sites RSS feed. But each of your categories has its own RSS feed as well. Submit each of your categories RSS feed to the aggregators as well.

Another powerful tip: And it’s not just your sites RSS feeds you can submit. Did you know your Twitter account also has an RSS feed and your YouTube account some article directories and so on?

Imagine having all those feeds automatically being updated every time you added a blog post or a Tweet or a YouTube video.

That could create some serious traffic and backlinks and all for some work and effort that needs to be completed once and once only.

If all this sounds rather manual and too much effort, you can invest in a tool like RSSBot. A one-payment tool that you can use time and time again. It automatically submits your feeds to over 30 RSS aggregator directories in seconds.

Here’s a video of the tool in action: RSSBot in Action

Web Directories

Submitting your site domain to the web directories used to be a must. Nowadays, Google, it is believed, doesn’t put so much emphasis on free Web Directory listings.

However, I still do submit the sites to the Free Web Directories. As far as I am concerned, the effort it takes is quite minimal and, it only has to be completed once and you still get more backlinks.

So I recommend you submit your domain to various Web Directories.

Again, I use tools and services rather than manually carry out myself.

I can recommend DirectoryBot and Directory Maximizer.

Social Bookmarking

Let the big Social Bookmarking sites know about your site. Sites like StumbleUpon, Digg and Reddit.

It all helps in getting your site indexed.

I personally use Social Bookmarking Demon. It’s one of the best automatic social booking tools around.

Now you have completed a lot more SEO type actions than the vast majority of other blogs.

And everything is in place.

Now you can concentrate on building up your content. I would suggest adding a blog post, at least 3 times a week.

Remember each time you add a blog post, add it to one of your keyword phrase categories only and all those RSS aggregators will automatically be updated, creating traffic and backlinks.

If you add a new category, don’t forget to add the category feed to the Feed Aggregators.

Submit some of your blog posts to the main social bookmarking sites.

The final say…

Getting your fair share of organic traffic is about having the correct keyword phrases in place and getting your sites links out there in the websphere.

By using the free facilities of RSS aggregators, web directories and social bookmarking, you are doing exactly that.