How to use the Google Wonder Wheel to help you create content for your blog

So you have picked your keyword phrases that pass the criteria:

1. Are attracting more than 100 searches per day

2. Are selling via Adwords

3. Less than 100,000 other sites are using

And you have set up the ‘must-have’ plugin, All-in-one-SEO.

You can watch my previous videos to get to this stage:

Video 1:  Use keyword optimization to get on the first page of Google

Video 2:  Check the competition before deciding upon your chosen keyword phrases

Video 3: How to use the All in one SEO WordPress plugin to your advantage

Now let’s move on to finding ideas for your blog posts. One of the best ways is to use the Google Wonder Wheel.

Check out my latest video which shows you exactly how:

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2 Responses to How to use the Google Wonder Wheel to help you create content for your blog

  1. David Stillwagon August 27, 2009 at 4:37 pm #

    I have used the wonder wheel before and it is a great tool!
    .-= David Stillwagon´s last blog ..Rem sleep behavior disorder =-.

  2. khaja moin December 14, 2011 at 1:41 pm #

    Wonder wheel is removed by google, hope we can get in future.

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