The Famous Bloggers website have kicked off the year with a free contest and we (Joel and I) are proud to be one of the sponsors of the prizes on offer.

You can win our complete Income Blogging Guide course.

These are the prizes on offer:

The First winner will get: $377 $424 worth of prizes:

$75 via PayPal from Making Money Online Social Network

$282 worth “Income Blogging Guide Course” from WeBuildYourBlog & BlogTechGuy

$67 worth Ultimate Blogging Theme package from Carl “Kidblogger” Ocab

The second winner will get: $122 $142 worth of prizes:

$25 via PayPal from Making Money Online Social Network

$97 worth 3 Day Money course from David Risley

$19.95 worth ElegantTheme membership for one year from Lawmacs of Blogging The Future

The contest is running now and will end 31 January 2010.

Check out the contest by going here:  Famous Bloggers Contest

Good Luck!!
