On The Eleventh Day Of Christmas…

…my mentor said to me…

“Monitor Your Success”

With all the hard work you are putting into your blog, how are you measuring the success of it?

Number of visitors?

How long your visitors stay?

Number of Subscribers?

Number of Comments?

Number of backlinks?


The problem is accessing all that data quickly, easily, and in one place.

You have to constantly log in and out of numerous statistical services… and that’s time consuming and a right pain.

With Pro Blog Stats you get to see all the stats you need in one place…your WordPress dashboard… with one click.

Check out the free plugin here by clicking here: Pro Blog Stats

Don’t forget your super-duper hosting:

Best Hosting you can buy

And the best theme money can buy:

Best WordPress theme money can buy

And fully backing up your site:

Backing up Your WordPress Blog

And use the best keyword research tool available today:

Do some keyword research

And don’t forget your personalized header banner:

Personalized header banner

And don’t forget to improve your blog writing:

Improve Your Blog Writing

And the best SEO plugin for blog writing:

Best SEO Plugin For Blog Posting

And the solid, proven ways to get more traffic:

Blog Traffic Formula

And how to Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days:

Create Your Own Best-Selling Product

And building your own list:

Build Your Own List

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2 Responses to On The Eleventh Day Of Christmas…

  1. Cheolsu January 1, 2012 at 2:20 pm #

    I have been using Google Analytics, cpanel stats and sitemeter for analyzing my website traffic. Pro Blog Stats looks like a good plugin for easy analysis. Will give it a shot.

    • Andrew January 6, 2012 at 4:57 pm #


      Please come back and let us know how much you like/dislike Pro Blog Stats.



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