The difference between blogging success and failure

There are a lot of people in the world who are looking for the “money making silver bullet”.

They want the money:

1. To be a lot

2. To come easy

3. For doing literally nothing

4. For no outlay

Now we are all used to seeing the adverts with headlines like,

“I was just a bum. In fact I still am but nowadays I make $10,000 a day for doing diddley squat. I’ll show you how to do the same.”

And you know why those sorts of adverts are still being written today?

Because they sell.

Because people still fall for them, looking for the quick way, the “money making silver bullet”.

Yes, I must admit, I have fallen for some of those pyramid selling schemes before.


Yes, we can all earn money but it takes hard work and action. And not just any old action. The right action.

You can work all day, every day, with your blog and still not make a dime.

Most people I know who make their income, on-line, like me, have purchased numerous products (again like me) and some they just don’t even open.

They sit on a shelf or sit in a folder, saying, “Please open me. I’m full of information that could help you have a better life”.

But they are not heard. Once they have been purchased, they are no longer wanted.

I’ve sat waiting at my pc for the latest product to be launched. Refreshing the web sales page just before the launch time, hoping I’m going to be one of the lucky ones who gets in.

I’ve been sucked in by the pre-launch emails describing how wonderful the product is. It tells me I’m going to be earning loads of money, have a huge blog following…but there are only 20 slots available and this email has been issued to 100,000 subscribers.

Yes, I’ve sat there waiting for the sales page to go live. Refreshing every few seconds. I don’t care how much it costs (within reason), I’m going to buy.

Then it loads. I don’t read the sales page. I just drop to the offer price and click ‘buy now’ because the first 5 get a super-duper bonus.

I can’t type in my credit card number fast enough. I’m shaking with excitement. I want this product now.

I get in. I’m number 9. Damn it. I wanted to be in the top 5 so I get the special bonus. But the owner of the product is feeing generous and gives me the special bonus anyway.

That’s it. The buzz is over. I got the product or course or whatever.

Now where was I? Oh yes, my emails. Wow, this product looks good. It’s about PPC. I think I need to buy that. It promises me I’m going to be earning loads of money, have a huge blog following and it launches next week.

I buy that course as well.

You getting the picture.

Hundreds and hundreds of people do exactly the same as me.

Now before I finish, watch this video with Tony Robbins, Frank Kern and John Reese and find out what really successful people have in common.

Here’s link: Tony Robbins video

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5 Responses to The difference between blogging success and failure

  1. David Stillwagon September 10, 2009 at 1:45 pm #

    It seems you can’t do a search on google without seeing millions of ads for get rich schemes. They certainly make it enticing.
    .-= David Stillwagon´s last blog ..Medications that trigger Meniere’s disease =-.

  2. Klaus September 10, 2009 at 1:55 pm #

    Heh, I was gonna post about that video too but it seems you beat me to it 🙂 It’s a good video though, I enjoyed watching it.
    .-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Steve Jobs Is Back On Stage At September 9th Keynote =-.

    • Andrew Rondeau September 16, 2009 at 6:17 am #


      I still would post. Your visitors will be different to mine!


  3. Gary Ashton June 7, 2011 at 6:30 am #

    I never won a lotto or a free prize in my life but I received prizes for those I worked hard for so I believe in 99% perspiration and 1% God or luck. There is no short way to success, we have to work really hard in order to achieve our goals and this same rule applies to blogging as well.

    • Andrew June 7, 2011 at 8:50 am #


      Very, very true. It’s such a shame so many believe blogging is the way to make some quick money.


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