How to create awareness for your blog


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This is a guest post by Onibalusi Bamidele.

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Building a blog is somewhat simple, writing great and high quality posts is far more simple (at least to me), but getting your post read by people is not easy.

By implementing some of the things listed below, you will be able to get your content read by many people and also be able to get quality traffic to your blog.

1.      Blog Commenting.

What insane tactic are you mentioning here you ask?

Do not underestimate the power of blog commenting, many people got their first and many other loyal readers from blog comments, I got a loyal reader of mine who also subscribed to my RSS feed (and confirmed) the same day through a comment I made on a particular post at dailyblogtips.

Blog commenting is a great method of getting traffic to your blog, this method is mostly effective for beginners but might no longer be that effective for established blogs. It is very important to be commenting regularly on related blogs in your niche because this helps you create more brand awareness for your blog and also helps you get traffic to your blog.

It is also very important to use an avatar associated with the email address you use to comments on other blogs because this helps people easily remember you when they see the avatar on any blog. You can get a free avatar at

2.      Blogging Communities.

Blogging communities such as blog engage and mmo social network are blogging communities consisting of other bloggers. It is very important to participate in these communities so as to increase the number of people reading your posts. Using communities like this also make it easier for your post to spread across the web (if it is good enough) because the community mostly consists of other bloggers who might in turn link to your post/blog when writing a related post on their blogs.

3.      Social bookmarks.

Social bookmarking sites are also another easy method to let many people know about your blog and post. Using the right social bookmarking sites the right way will give you better results.

When using social bookmarking sites, it is very important that you are not selfish but you should also try to promote other people’s posts. It is also very important to add other people as friends because some social networking sites like Digg have the functionality of letting your friends know about your submission/activities.

Social bookmarking sites are also frequently crawled by search engines thereby increasing the crawl rate of your site. If you want your new blog posts to get indexed quickly by search engines, it will be a good idea to bookmark your blog posts on some of the major social bookmarking sites.

Some of the top social bookmarking sites are Digg, Stumbleupon and Reddit.

4.      Networking.

It is important to network with other bloggers in your niche.

When I had my first blog, I networked with other bloggers and I seriously promoted the site (to an alexa rank of 100,000), later on, I decided to change the blog and create a new blog because the domain name of the first blog will not be that beneficial in the future.

I created a new blog and I can tell you that promoting has never been this easy, I got the blog to an alexa rank of 300,000 in less than 15 days and I was also able to tap from the traffic of other bloggers I networked with then by writing guest posts for them.

My new blog is now getting over 300 visitors a day (close to 400 in less than 15 days).

Try to network with other bloggers in your niche by commenting on their blog and by helping them out in some ways and I can assure you, you will like yourself for it.

5.      Guest Posts.

Are you lagging behind?

Guest posting is the new generation method of getting traffic to your blog, all you need to do is write a quality guest post and in no time you will be tapping from the traffic of established bloggers.

When writing guest posts, some people decide to write “rubbish” since the post is not for their blog. They are only wasting their time because they will not get the right result: the blogger will not publish their “junk” and even if published the readers will not visit their blogs.

Write guest posts as if you are writing for your blog (I will even advise you to make it better quality), after all, the readers will soon be yours.

Try to get the best out of your guest post and you will like yourself for it.

The above are 5 “great” tactics that worked for me, I am still using them and I will still be using them because they are the golden key to getting more eyeballs to your blog.

Onibalusi Bamidele is a young entrepreneur, he shares tips on blogging and make money online on his blog. You can get his free ebook “7 keys to build a better website” at


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48 Responses to How to create awareness for your blog

  1. Alex April 27, 2010 at 12:08 pm #

    I totally see how great guest posting is but it is simply not possible in all niches. Sure the blogging, internet marketing niches are fantastic for this kinda promotion but most are not.

    Tons of the tips people give to promote a blog is just for those 2 niches. For other niches they just don’t work. Now slowly there are emerging huge guest posting systems with 1000s of blogs which bring guest posting to other niches but I am not sure how long it will take Google to figure those out.

    The other tips are great. Blog commenting is definately a great way to get to know other bloggers and be “seen”.
    .-= Alex@Kinotakara´s last blog ..Kinotakara Vitalpflaster: Entschlackung durch Kinotakara =-.

    • Onibalusi Bamidele April 27, 2010 at 7:59 pm #

      Thanks a lot for the nice comment.
      Guest posting works in other niche, the authority blogs in your niche might not ask you to guest post for them, just try contacting them using their contact form, I am very sure many of them will accept quality posts from you.
      Thanks a lot,
      .-= Onibalusi Bamidele´s last blog ..7 days challenge – how it went =-.

    • Dennis Edell April 28, 2010 at 2:46 pm #

      Why can’t you guest for any niche a long as you know the topic?
      .-= Dennis Edell @ Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Blog Subscriptions – Methods to my Madness part 2 of 2 =-.

    • Andrew April 29, 2010 at 1:06 pm #


      I’m agree with Dennis and Onibalusi – I cannot see why you cannot guest blog in any niche.

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Am I alone in thinking these are odd… =-.

  2. Mike April 27, 2010 at 1:36 pm #

    While encouraging comments via Dofollow commenting is really effective, it can also bring a lot of spam with it. I know this may not be the case on this site, but that’s because you’ve got a clear commenting policy, which I think is something not enough Dofollow blogs have.
    You end up with an enormous list of comments all saying the same thing, like ‘I agree’ or ‘Keep up the good work’.

    That said… Keep up the good work!
    .-= Mike @ Email Marketing Solutions´s last blog ..Pure360 Complete CARE Challenge =-.

  3. Julius April 27, 2010 at 8:44 pm #

    Another way to create awareness is to have a unique writing style. Give your readers posts that they won’t be able to read anywhere else. You may have a topic which many people have written about, but if you deliver it in a refreshing way, your readers will love you for it.
    .-= Julius´s last blog ..Why Is Braille on Drive-Through ATMs? =-.

  4. Josiah April 27, 2010 at 9:33 pm #

    There is so much to figure out about blogging. I’m a newbie, just getting my feet wet really. All of these tips and tips from other blogs have really helped put things in perspective for me.

  5. Jarrod April 28, 2010 at 4:01 am #

    It’s great to know that I’m on the right track and this article confirms this for me. I can honestly say that I am currently implementing all this steps and they are working for me. My next goal which I should be tackling within the next week is implementing a email list form on my blog with a free incentive, to take my blog awareness to the next level. It’s my understanding that email lists in conjunction to all the tools you’ve shared above is very helpful.

    • Onibalusi Bamidele April 28, 2010 at 3:08 pm #

      Yeah! exactly! The money is in the list. Begin to build your list now because it is the most valuable online asset you can have.
      Thanks a lot for the nice comment.
      .-= Onibalusi Bamidele´s last blog ..7 days challenge – how it went =-.

    • Andrew April 29, 2010 at 1:17 pm #


      The money is in the list is only half the truth.

      The “money is in the relationship you have with your list” is the full truth.

      Great stuff on taking the next step. Come back and tell us your free incentive is live, won’t you?

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Am I alone in thinking these are odd… =-.

  6. Kay April 28, 2010 at 8:06 am #

    I totally agree that you should never underestimate the power of commenting because I think it is one of the proven ways on how to drive more traffic on your blog. I am new in blogging so I haven’t tried the other things yet.

  7. Suzanne Franco April 28, 2010 at 5:55 pm #

    Thanks Onibalusi ~ Great tips. I’m not in any blog communities so I’ll check it out and see how I do. *SmiLes* Suzanne
    .-= Suzanne Franco@Money Making Ideas´s last blog ..Are You Sexy? We’re About to Find Out! =-.

  8. Marcus April 28, 2010 at 9:19 pm #

    my problem is the very limited time. it takes me just hours to write articles and moderate comments and so on. time i don’t have every day…

    • Andrew April 29, 2010 at 1:21 pm #


      Have you thought about outsourcing your writing so you can concentrate on your strengths?

      I can introduce you to a brilliant writer.

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Am I alone in thinking these are odd… =-.

  9. Dennis Edell April 28, 2010 at 2:45 pm #

    Blogging communities is where I need to step up a lot more. I’ve been so busy around my own blog, I completely forget they’re out there.
    .-= Dennis Edell @ Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Blog Subscriptions – Methods to my Madness part 2 of 2 =-.

    • Onibalusi Bamidele April 28, 2010 at 3:11 pm #

      That will be great, you have to try them out.
      Thanks for the nice comment,
      .-= Onibalusi Bamidele´s last blog ..7 days challenge – how it went =-.

    • Andrew April 29, 2010 at 1:18 pm #


      Add it to your daily / weekly plan!

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Am I alone in thinking these are odd… =-.

      • Dennis Edell April 29, 2010 at 9:44 pm #

        That’s the plan. 😉
        .-= Dennis Edell @ Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..What are YOUR Top 3 Social Sharing Recommendations =-.

  10. Chuck Edwards April 28, 2010 at 4:19 pm #

    Hi Onibalusi,

    Thanks once more for useful tips and reminders on what bloggers need to do to build their readership. I think that the benefits of encouraging comments outweighs the spam (much of which can be filtered out) because even if one does get cheap, useless comments, most readers are going to ignore those and their links anyways. People are more likely to pay attention to (and follow links from) comments that have substance, so make your comments count!
    .-= Chuck Edwards@Weight Loss Tips´s last blog ..How to Lose Weight at Home =-.

  11. Amanda April 28, 2010 at 10:27 pm #

    This was a really useful and well written article. Thank you.

    I agree that commenting is a great way to get yourself seen.

    Networking is also essential. I’m finding Blog Frog to be a useful tool for improving the visibility of one of my blogs in the vintage/retro sewing, fashion, crafts niche.

    I haven’t really investigated the social networking sites you suggested yet so I’ll be sure to check them out.

    Thanks again.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Need a Blog Makeover? Enter a Giveaway or Two! =-.

    • Andrew April 29, 2010 at 1:23 pm #


      Thanks for tip, re: Blog Frog.

      Please let us know if the social bookmarking makes a little difference, won’t you?

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Am I alone in thinking these are odd… =-.

  12. Biodun April 29, 2010 at 9:39 pm #

    Another great way to great way to gain awareness is to socialize within communities, sine most niche has a forum or social network which is relevant to it. Communities allow you to gain new readers quickly and also some backlinks from forum signatures and other community pages.
    .-= Biodun @ Web hosting blog´s last blog ..SEO & Site Promotion – Old Media Still Alive =-.

  13. Seth May 2, 2010 at 3:13 pm #

    For me, blog commenting and community building has worked pretty well. I’ve had great success post in forums, helping people with topics we’re both passionate about.

    I haven’t done any guest post yet; that’s the next part of my strategy.
    .-= Seth @ Happenchance´s last blog ..How NOT to Start a Writers’ Group =-.

  14. Simon Lee May 3, 2010 at 11:38 am #

    Hi Andrew,
    When you are talking about guest post, do you selectively to guest post in high PR or traffic blogs with irrelevant topic to your site. Or you post to specific topic which is relevant to your site?


  15. Cowvin May 4, 2010 at 7:01 am #

    Hi there!good day!
    thank you for the tips! i agree that it is difficult to socialize with other people but with the help of blog commenting it makes some burdens in socializing a lot more easier though you cannot encounter the person yet somehow it creates a blogger-reader relationship. yesterday when i was at the garage sale i found an informative material on how to deal with the blogger’s pessimistic ideas. LOL!

  16. Luqman May 6, 2010 at 9:01 pm #

    I quite believe in blog commenting and social bookmarks, it bring lots of traffic for a bog.

  17. Tom May 8, 2010 at 7:59 pm #

    Commenting is king, and I would say even for established blogs.
    Just try it out, go to a blog and start commenting on a regular basis, and add to the value of the conversation. Sooner or later the owner will come back to check out your blog and leave a footprint. If you get them buy into what you are doing, they will be your best referrals.
    Since I started taking commenting more seriously, I built very valuable relationships, more people recommend my blog, and I am able to speak about other blogs more convincingly.
    .-= Tom´s last blog ..Rosa Parks Is Not Done Teaching Us =-.

  18. mk akan May 12, 2010 at 1:43 pm #

    all your point are valid…i seriously do guest blogging,commenting and use of social and blogging communities..
    .-= mk akan´s last blog ..My First 7 Guest Posts On Other Blogs =-.

  19. Gibson Goff February 9, 2011 at 5:06 pm #

    Great guest post, Oni. And a great fit – you and ‘webuildyourblog’.

    I just want to add one caveat – to give it some time. Keep at the things mentioned, but it does take time. Doesn’t mean it’s not working (usually the results from my efforts surprise me), just give it some time.

    Look forward to following your guest posts, Oni. Good thing I RSS’d both you and Andrew!

    • Andrew February 10, 2011 at 9:40 am #


      You mention a great point…time.

      I think there are far too many people who believe the hype of…”create a blog and within weeks the money will start rolling in.”


      P.S. Thanks for the RSS follow

  20. Robert Doebler August 9, 2011 at 12:38 pm #

    Just as blog comments works for bloggers it works for me too but besides everything else I like the fact that I get a chance to interact with the other commenters and learn from them. I think its enriching to discuss further on posts by noted bloggers.

  21. Sirita June 12, 2012 at 2:42 pm #

    I am currently working on the 1st phase of the MKT funnel for my website with the expertise of Ashley Acker from, this information will be very helpful as I work to create awareness of my site. I knew nothing of about the various/types of blogging communities until now.

    Thank you!

    Actor & Writer


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