This blog is based upon the Flexx theme. With the Flexx theme you have over 1,000 different layout options.
Check out this video just to see how easy it is to change the structure of your blog…the video transcript is below the video.
See for yourself how flexible the FLEXX theme is by clicking here.
Hi, it’s Andrew Rondeau here from webuildyourblog and this is one of the videos which is gonna help you maintain your own website, your own blog using the wordpress piece of software and also the flexx themes which are used to build your sites.
So this is a site which I maintain and I’m now gonna log-in to the wordpress software to enable me to do a few changes and show you the sorts of things you can easily do.
And the first thing you do is login to your, the wordpress piece of software and that is your domain name slash wp hyphen login dot php.
You put in your username and your password and you login and up comes the mechanics of your screen.
And it shows you this screen first and then suddenly it drops down to the bottom, and I don’t know why it does that, it just does.
But, just bear with it because if you just scroll up, you’re back to how you were first shown what was happening in your, in your site.
So this is what it will look like and this video is gonna talk about your layout, the layout of your site.
So if you look over here, you’ll see flexx theme.
Now, sometimes, it depends on, this might be closed, so you just open it up like that and then go to the flexx layout.
And then this will show us the layout we’ve created for the particular site. So, this one here says that I got my pages above my header. My header being the picture, the banner.
So if I go to the actual site, you’ll see that this is my picture, this is my banner and then this is my pages above it so you can see here, I’ve got pages above my header.
Okay, so pages. And these pages here, if I click on content, it’s just a different pages which I’ve created for the screens. This is my contact page, this is my search page and if I go back to the homepage, it goes back to the homepage.
So that is pages above the header. Now, you can just have a header, you can have pages, you can have your categories.
Now, categories are, my categories, I have them somewhere else.
This, I put my categories down here.
So these are sort of things which, sort of go into the detail of your site, so, this site is about job and career advice. So, I have categories on career advice, career development, interview advice, job advice, that sort of thing, resume/ CVs. So they are my categories which I created.
Now, I could have all of those on the layout. I could have them above the header. Or I could have pages and categories above the header. Or I could have categories and pages above the header. Of I could have the header with pages underneath.
So if I click that, and click header and pages underneath and save that and come back over to my site, you can see here, they’re above the header at the moment.
By doing a refresh of the page, it sometimes takes a little while to replicate on the servers. But it would normally put those down here at the bottom.
So you can change your layout quite quickly, it just sometimes takes a little while to take it, take the effect.
So, I’m gonna go back to as it was, so pages here, header, nothing below the header.
And then I can have an area between the header and the actual content of the page. So this bit here, so if this is the header and then this is the start of the content of the page, I can have something in between.
So, if we go to one of my other sites to show you what I mean.
So, here is my header here. I’ve got my pages below my header, then I’ve got this area here just for the photo of myself with a bit of an introduction. And I would, to do that, I click on that area, that saying I want something between the headers and the main content. And on this particular site which I’m maintaining and I’m showing you, I don’t, so that’s why it’s on none.
Let me go down to the actual layout of the content and as you can see, I’ve got highlighted here the content and I’ve got what we call a widget sidebar here over on the left and a widget sidebar here on the right.
So if I show you the actual site you could see here’s my content, here’s my column on the left hand side and here’s my column on the right hand side and they are called widgets, here, here, here. So, if I could scroll down, it would show you that I’ve got my columns on the left hand side and my columns on the right hand side and we could decide what we want to put in those but that’s in a different video and in the center here, I’ve just got the content of my blog posts and that’s the layout I’ve chosen and that’s by clicking on that part there.
And if I wanted to change that so I only had it, I only had the left hand column. I could change it by clicking that, save the layout. Again, it depends on whether how quick it changes things on the actual hosting machines.
It’s not gonna change it but that’s what you do, you just quickly, it’s as simple as that but changing it. I wanna change it back because that’s, that’s how I want it.
Or you could have a widget area. The top widget is an area, two small narrow ones here on the left hand side and another one at the bottom or you can just have a right hand side one or you can have a widget at the top, two ones on the right and another one at the bottom. And then you would have done the bottom.
So we’ve done the headers, we got what we want below the header, what do we want the main content to look like, content to look like and what do we want at the bottom.
And in the bottom of mine, if I show you, I’ve got this banner here, which is a banner over to one of my other sites. And I’ve put that and that’s why I’ve got that there, so that’s a nice, wide one.
You can have none, you can have a wide one, you can have two small ones or you can have three small ones, going across once. So it’s up to you. And then it gives you a layout of what it would look like here.
So that’s what it would look like. So, if I change that, it shows you the two here, if I change to three, it shows you the three here. ‘Cause that makes sense.
And then all that you have to do then is save layout and that changes the layout of your site. It’s as simple as that.
So that’s the layout changes and all, that’s it for this video.
Speak to you soon,
Thanks, Bye.
For more information on the Flexx Theme click here: Flexx Theme
The WP Flexx theme is definitely one of my favorite premium Wordpess themes. I love this theme because of its ease-of-use, advanced functionality, great support forum, and more.