Archive | Starting A Blog

How To Make Your Luck In Your Online Business Venture

your-online-business Your Online Business

On the one hand, there are the lucky types, who seem to attract good vibes, positive opportunities and success whatever they turn their hand to.

On the other side, we have those people who seem destined to suffer catastrophe after catastrophe, spending their gloomy lives waiting for everything to go wrong, because that’s what experience has told them.

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8 Reasons Why You Need A Blog


photo credit: Roman Beltran

Sometimes, blog owners can lose sight of the reason behind why you have or need a blog.

When we’re faced with a blank screen and an empty head, it can be difficult to remember the value our blogs have when it comes to communicating with our customers, attracting more traffic to our business and getting the search engines to list us as a useful, valid service.

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