Blogging Guide: Feedback On Our Free Guide

Only a few months ago, Joel (aka the Blog Tech Guy) and I created our free multi-media Income Blogging Guide.

Since the launch, each day the number of  people who download the guide is easily in double figures.

The feedback has been awesome and exceeded our expectations.

Here are a few responses we have received:

Elie Kochman (owner of Optimal Upgrades) said “So check it out, it can help you get up and running as fast as you can read!”

You can read Elie’s full blog post about our free guide here:


Stephanie Jewett (owner of Nursing Comments) said, “I highly recommend this study packet to ease the frustration of starting your own blog!”

You can read Stephanie’s full blog post about our free guide here:


Monique Hrebeniuk (owner of  moniqueschlosser) said, “I have never found a better resource material for understanding how to set up a blog successful than this one.  I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to start a blog or for people like me who figured it out on her own but was missing a few things.”

You can read Monique’s full blog post about our free guide here:


Kenny Loh (owner of im2financialfreedom) said, “You can find instructions on how to choose your niche, how to do keyword analysis, how to get a domain and hosting, how to install a blogging platform, how to post a content and also learn how to make money from blogging.”

You can read Kenny’s full blog post about our free guide here:


Debbie Bills (owner of Happy Maker) said, “Other courses just give you the basics then you get to read between the lines and figure out the rest. You have included the stuff most people miss and I am very grateful. Your course makes me actually feel smarter. It is like having GPS that tells you exactly when to turn and which way to turn.”


Kevin Pavilonis (owner of vinfit90) said, “they get right into the meat of things such as blogging platforms, keyword analysis, getting a domain, hosting. Oh and they even go through setting up your own wordpress – step by step with multiple screen shots which makes it really nice especially if your new to this sort of thing. The list goes on and on but hey I’m not going to retype the whole report here, go get your own!

You can read Kevin’s full blog post about our free guide here:


John (owner of said, “You go into great detail on some of those tricky points, especially around downloading and installing WordPress, and with plugins.”


A couple of other strange comments we received:

Jaimie said “The website slogan should be: ‘create a blog, AFTER reading my free guide’. Sorry, but I don’t have the time to read a hundred pdf pages.”


Jaimie wants a ‘silver bullet’. He’s been reading far too many of those “scammy” sales pages.

Jaimie is what I call a lazy idiot!


Shelia said, “Why did you say free guide, just to get people to come to your site?

I will read more. But I want to inform you that this is a false statement. I see this all the time on the web and its not right. Let customers know up front that this is not free. Like the information.”

I really don’t understand this feedback. This one is confusing. I did write to Shelia asking her want she meant by saying, “Let customers know up front that this is not free.”

No response was forthcoming.

I can only assume she meant it wasn’t free because she had to give us her email.

Shelia is what I call a time-wasting fool!


So there we have it. A selection of people willing to give us some feedback.

If you’d like to receive our Income Blogging Guide for free (or should I say in return for your name and email address), then slightly scroll down and sign up below.

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20 Responses to Blogging Guide: Feedback On Our Free Guide

  1. Chris April 2, 2010 at 3:06 pm #

    I have to say, it’s a fabulous guide. I haven’t gotten all the way through it but I am getting there. Will send out a review once I am done.
    .-= Chris@top blogging sites´s last undefined ..Response cached until Sat 3 @ 15:55 GMT (Refreshes in 23.83 Hours) =-.

  2. chandan April 2, 2010 at 5:34 pm #

    I have not read your book before, Well if I get time I will try to read your blog.
    .-= chandan´s last blog ..Freelance writing jobs online =-.

  3. Dennis Edell April 2, 2010 at 11:51 pm #

    I got the email on this and will get back to you. 😉
    .-= Dennis Edell @ Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Blog Comments and Blog Comment Contests – Lets Chat about Paying for Comments =-.

  4. Hesham April 4, 2010 at 12:59 am #

    Andrew, the “Blogging Guide” you and Joel have created is more than great, I remember I have read it earlier and I recommended for bot beginners and intermediate levels of blogging!
    .-= Hesham @ FamousBloggers´s last blog ..3 Simple And Handy WordPress Tricks Without Using A Plugin =-.

  5. Alex April 5, 2010 at 9:08 am #

    Congratulations on receiving such incredible feedback and reviews. I am sure your blogging guide will go places further. I didnt get a chance to read your guide before. I am signing up now and I wish I get it quickly. Will read it over the weekend and let you know my thought. Thanks for the generous offer guys. You are so humble and selfless by helping others.

  6. Lou Lou April 10, 2010 at 2:25 pm #

    The only thing is, me being me, am having difficulties with the plugins

    WordPress has it’s own problems with the SEO pack
    and blimin WP-DBManager keeps coming up with a message that says that my files may be visible…

    It’s hard finding a source that can just tell me what to do when these things happen. I am so confused.

    The book is great though. There was no reason for me not to start blogging. Keep up the great work!

    • Andrew April 12, 2010 at 5:11 pm #

      Lou Lou

      When blogging you are always going to come across a number of issue and no guide will tell you all the answers.

      You may wish to join a free forum where you can ask such questions – someone will will always be willing to help.

      With regards to the backup issue:

      1. Log into your cpanel at hostgator.

      2. Click on the file manager icon.

      3. Browse to the folder /wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager/

      4. Move the file htaccess.txt to the folder /wp-content/backup-db/

      5. Rename htaccess.txt to be .htaccess

      Does that help?

      .-= Andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Is Mastering Public Speaking Good for Bloggers? =-.

  7. JR April 12, 2010 at 5:09 am #

    Well I am convinced by the great testimonials, will check it out the guide, thanks!

  8. sewa mobil April 21, 2010 at 7:23 am #

    wow, great post i really like it.
    keep posting stuff like this

  9. Anne January 25, 2011 at 7:02 am #

    Hi Andrew,

    What a superb blogging guide you have created. Such a wonderful ideas to the reader’s like me. Keep up the good work men!

    • Andrew January 27, 2011 at 2:14 pm #

      Thanks, Anne.

      I hope you find the guide worthwhile.



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