Blogging Guide: Blogger tips 5, 6 and 30 (video 2)

This is the second video in my new blogging guide series.

In this video I show you how to improve the security of your blog by changing the admin username…plus a few tidy up tips.

You can see the previous videos by clicking here:

Blogging Guide: Blogger tips 1 – 4 (video)

Here’s video number 2:

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14 Responses to Blogging Guide: Blogger tips 5, 6 and 30 (video 2)

  1. Benjamin March 18, 2010 at 6:40 pm #

    Great video illustration buddy. Security is one important territory where people pay less importance but its the one which deserves the more attention. The main flaw is that people set passwords so easily that even a kid can break it with couple of combinations. I missed out your first video and I am heading right towards it now 🙂 Waiting for 3 & 4. Thanks heaps!

    • andrew March 19, 2010 at 7:04 pm #

      You are right Benjamin. I would guess a high percentage don’t bother doing much about security.

      I hope the other videos are received just as well.

      .-= andrew @ Blogging Guide´s last blog ..Blogging Guide: Google analytics tutorial =-.

  2. Jack March 18, 2010 at 3:58 pm #

    Very nice way of supplementing your guest post by showing your readers how to make those changes in WordPress Andrew!

    I’ve download the login lockdown, cache, and ping optimizer based on your recommendation and it works great. Thanks
    .-=´s last blog ..Promote Your Blog With SeededBuzz. Sign Up Today! =-.

  3. Gautam Hans March 19, 2010 at 4:39 am #

    A really great video, some really useful beginner tips. I am already following all of these and i think my account is safe.
    .-= Gautam Hans @ Blog Godown´s last blog ..Social SEO – A New Age Search Engine Optimization Technique =-.

  4. Biodun March 19, 2010 at 1:12 pm #

    Changing the default “admin” user name sounds like a great idea! All in all for safety, BACK UP your database first!!!

  5. Karla Kontaktbörse March 19, 2010 at 9:51 am #

    great, i´m usually to lazy to read long posts. so the idea of a video is pretty cool

  6. Lars liebhaber March 19, 2010 at 9:57 am #

    great idea to creat a video, it´s ten times better than a normal post


  1. Social Media and Internet Marketing Brave Hearts - Guest Blogging Lessons - March 19, 2010

    […] which makes the whole thing more interesting, it’s the Blogging Guide: Blogger tips 1- 4, and Blogging Guide: Blogger tips 5, 6 and 30, I love his idea! I could post this video here, but I am not going to do that, I prefer you see […]

  2. How to improve WordPress security Simple Tricks - video - March 25, 2010

    […] a very simple WordPress trick to improve the security of your blog, by following this trick you are giving hackers more headaches and more hard work to do while […]

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