How To Structure Your Blog Posts For Maximum Blog Traffic

You want to increase your blog traffic but sometimes, there’s nothing you feel less like doing than sitting down and writing a blog post for your site.

Whether you work in floristry, dentistry, topiary or engineering, at some point you’re going to get to the stage where you’d do anything to get out of writing that post.

Identifying Blog Boredom

You can tell when people whose blog you follow are going through that phase.

Instead of their usual sensible, well-structured and informative article about their chosen industry, they default to popping up a picture with a phrase on it that they’ve been sent by a colleague, which may or may not have some relevance to their field of business.

Or, the blog suddenly goes dormant for a while until they get their creative spark back and can find the energy and will to get going again.

I’ve found that having a set structure for each of your written posts is a really helpful way of avoiding writers block, and also makes sure that the subjects you’re choosing to write about are relevant and informative for your customers.

If you’re floundering in the abyss of blog boredom and struggling to find new subjects, or you simply can’t seem to manage to conjure up a decent article at the moment, try following this structure to see if it will spark off some new ideas and keep you on track…

How to structure your blog posts so they increase your blog traffic

1. The Headline

Your headline has to capture the visitor’s attention. If it doesn’t, the rest of the post will be ignored.

Your blog post content may be the most exhilarating, informative ever but if your headline sucks and doesn’t grab the reader’s attention, all your efforts are wasted.

Great blog post headlines generate more blog traffic.

Powerful tip:

For great inspiration for headlines, look at the front cover of magazines. Don’t some of them make you pick the magazine up and start reading inside?

That’s what you want to happen with your headline. The reader can’t wait to read the rest of the post.

2. The Subject

The first section of your post should focus on what the subject is about, and preferably identify an issue for your reader that you are going to resolve.

So, for example if you are writing about floristry, you may have noticed that cut carnations often don’t last very long when they’re popped in to flower arrangements. You can identify why this is an issue, and explain how you can keep your carnations looking fresh!

3. The Ideal Scenario

The second section should deal with the ideal scenario – so, what the situation should be like, when the problem or issue is avoided. For our florist, this could mean that they pop in a couple of paragraphs that show how carnations look when they are flourishing in their arrangement.

4. The Solution

Next, think about what the solution may be for the reader.

You’ve identified the problem, stated what the ideal picture would look like, and now it’s time to solve that issue for the reader so that they get to take something away from your blog post and can apply it in to their own business, interest or situation.

Our florist could mention that carnations last longer if you cut above the bump on the stem, and you add a bit of lemonade in to the water when you arrange them, to keep them holding their shape and colour for longer.

5. The Summary

Finally, wrap up your article with a short summary that highlights the key points you want your reader to take away with them.

It’s also worth thinking about selling at this point.

If you have a product or service which can help, you can safely pop it in to the summary without having done a ‘hard sell’ that detracts from your content. Our florist could mention that he or she has a special plant food that makes carnations stay vibrant for weeks, and put in a link to the product.

6. Ask a Question

And the last thing…ask a question. It can encourage your visitors to comment.

How can you help your visitors?

If you stick to these steps, your blog posts will be much more focussed, and you’ll always be giving your visitors something worthwhile to read.

Start off by working out what your visitors may be struggling with, and what you can help them out on.

From there, the rest of the article will follow naturally.

This is the format that you expect when you visit the blogs you find most interesting and useful, and it’s easy to mirror the structure to get your writing back on target.

That way your visitors will return time and time again!

If you’re struggling to write great blog articles to gain more blog traffic, you can always consider outsourcing to a creative expert. Get in touch with me and I’ll point you in the right direction to tackle the problem, resolve it and prevent it from happening again!

What blog post structure works best for you?

Please share your views in the comments below.

26 Responses to How To Structure Your Blog Posts For Maximum Blog Traffic

  1. Debbie March 13, 2013 at 1:47 pm #

    These are great point in writing a good, interesting and informative post Andrew.

    Yes, your picture of the flowers are pretty and I did smile, so does that mean I miss you? 🙂

    I know just what you mean when you talk about the headliners. Myself even when it comes to a newspaper I will look at the headline and if it sound boring I move on.

    Another think that I have found is using power words. Like those flower you are going to by for your mother will last longer if you put some lemonade in them. Mother is a power words, wouldn’t you say.

    Thanks again for sharing and helping us with a boost when we wonder what or how we are going to write another post. We can always count on you.

    • Andrew March 14, 2013 at 2:08 am #


      Headlines are SO, SO IMPORTANT.

      So many bloggers don’t understand that. Let’s spread the word!


      • Debbie March 14, 2013 at 7:38 am #

        I’ll give it my best shot in spreading the word of how important those headliners are!

  2. Steve March 14, 2013 at 2:29 am #


    Thanks for sharing this. The idea about using magazines for headlines is a great idea.

    Also those newpaper stands often have eye catching headlines.


    • Andrew March 15, 2013 at 2:50 am #


      I agree – those newspaper stand headlines are priceless material.

      Any you see that you like…make a note of them and use as your blog titles.


  3. Merlin March 15, 2013 at 12:00 am #

    Attractive titles, wonderful concepts, great writing, and an easy to understand post can grab a lot of attention. Creativity and innovation is what people look for when reading a post, so a fresh post will surely help increase blog traffic. With that working on the marketing strategies is also important.

    • Andrew March 15, 2013 at 2:52 am #


      What you say is…easy to say…can be hard to do!

      How are you being creative?


  4. Usama March 15, 2013 at 3:16 pm #

    Headlines are the soul of every blog posts. Headlines can make your blog post attractive or can make it a disaster. The choice is in the author’s hands.

    • Andrew March 20, 2013 at 3:59 am #


      Great point – I like the fact you mention – authors have a choice.


  5. carolm March 16, 2013 at 8:06 pm #

    Hi Andrew, I try really hard with my headlines but it ‘s not easy. I try to keep one eye on the reader’s attention grab potention, and the other on the keyword/Google thing.

    Also, since my articles are mostly How To articles, I try to keep my Headlines totally relevant to the subject of the article.

    So I always try to accurately tell people ‘What This Post is About’in the Heading. But that is at odds with the Newspaper and Magazine approach, because mostly those headlines don’t do that.

    Getting all those things together in 60 characters or less is a challenge.

    Do you have views on having a slightly different meta title to the article title, to try to grab two bites of the cherry?

    • Andrew March 20, 2013 at 4:02 am #


      We have to be very creative!

      I try (not always) to add the keyword I am targetting in the title and the meta description.

      Using Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin helps.


      • carolm March 20, 2013 at 6:05 am #

        “reader’s attention grab protentian” did I really say that? I meant ‘potential’ of course. Sorry about that.

        Yes, always include keywords, and early in the heading if possible. Also in the meta description.

        I like the way you add links to your own articles into your Comments from others – that’s neat, and a little bit cheeky – I’m going to try that – if only Comments were more enlightening than just ‘nice blog’. Ugh!

        • Andrew March 22, 2013 at 10:00 am #


          I use the Commentluv plugin to do that and yes, far too many ‘nice post’ comments. I do my best to spot and spam them.


          • carolm March 22, 2013 at 7:00 pm #

            Really? I have the free Commentluv plugin but it doesn’t do that for me.

            Do you do it with the Premium version of Commentluv?

  6. Kyron March 19, 2013 at 5:25 am #

    My strategy goes this way: Start with the powerful, compelling, keyword-rich titles, write blog posts that don’t suck, make it easy to subscribe to your blog, add a retweet button to the top of every post and a Share this button at the bottom of each post, add your blog posts to your Facebook business page, add your blog posts to your Linkedln profile, leave intelligent and relevant comments on other niche blogs and last but not the least don’t give up! In this way, I get the highest quality traffic based on conversion rates of my blog. Thanks for sharing your techniques! I appreciate it!

    • Andrew March 20, 2013 at 4:03 am #


      Do all what you are saying and you are certainly on your way…to getting good traffic.


  7. Korwil March 20, 2013 at 8:54 pm #

    This is a great post on the structure of blogs. I always stress that people hate just reading text, especially big blocks of it. The best way I find is to cut down all my articles into easy to read sections.

    This is a great article and I also like the font you use on your website. It makes me enjoy reading rather than fight it!

    • Andrew March 22, 2013 at 10:02 am #

      Thanks, Korwil.

      I do like ‘white space’ onthe page…makes it easier to read.


  8. Donatus March 23, 2013 at 1:03 pm #

    The idea of making the first subject of your blog focus on what the article is all about has been helping me for a very long time.

    Thanks for sharing

  9. Andrew March 24, 2013 at 12:45 am #


    It should and it does for the people who comment on your site.

    Do you reply to commetns via the dashboard? If so, that’s why. Reply to commetns as if you are a visitor.


  10. Ibrahim Abdullahi March 27, 2013 at 12:38 pm #

    Asking questions really helped me trippled my blog comments. Thanks for sharing this tips with us 🙂

  11. Kimsea April 1, 2013 at 10:12 pm #

    I not good at writing the blog but I know writing with clear structure make readers easy to read to post and interest in sharing the post. Using Headline for structuring the post and title are great way to attract reader, especially, make more visible on the serp if we done right with keywords. Anyway, thanks for sharing

  12. Sudipto May 9, 2013 at 3:28 am #

    Hey Andrew,
    Nice post and Thanks for sharing these useful tips with us. Yes, headline is the most important part of blog post as it helps to attracting readers. The sixth point really helps in increasing number of comments and also helps in making relations with readers.

    • Andrew May 9, 2013 at 4:19 am #


      I can spend more time on the headline that what I do on the blog post content!


  13. Cheryl Ragsdale September 1, 2013 at 1:29 pm #

    Hello Andrew,
    It’s been awhile since I’ve visited and as usual, I’ve learned something that I can put to use immediately.

    You mention asking a question to elicit more comments. It works — when I remember to do it.

    Thank you for reminding me to stick to a proven structure. Discipline is key. Habits take 21 days. My next 21 blog posts will have questions as part of my last paragraph.

    • Andrew September 5, 2013 at 1:04 am #


      Nice to see/hear from you!

      Let us know how the questions approach works out.


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