killer-productLast time in the Blog Expert Series we discussed how to keep passion alive and not dump your blog.

In this Blog Expert Series post, we shall discuss creating your own products.

If you are a frequent visitor to this blog, the chances are you have a number of different reasons for blogging.

You want to use the platform to gain more readers, or you want to extend your marketing strategy for your business by harnessing all vehicles available to you when it comes to communicating online.

Most importantly, however, you want to make money from your blog.

While blogging is a great platform for people of all walks of life, the likelihood is that very few of us come to it purely for pleasure. We want to achieve something from our site, and the biggest thing most of us want to achieve tends to be an increased source of revenue.

The best way of making money from your blog is by producing a superb product which serves a number of different functions.

The advantages of having an outstanding product include:

  • Drawing people to your site through specific key words
  • Generating money by encouraging people to purchase your product
  • Attracting traffic back to your site after they have used your product successfully
  • Encouraging people to make referrals to new customers for your product

There are two main types of product which you can develop – one which is a free download, which is designed to attract traffic to your site, and one which people have to pay for.

Whichever you choose to opt for (or both!), the advantages are well worth the effort which it takes to set your product up on your business blog.

How to find your niche in the product field

The best way to identify what kind of product to develop is to undertake research in to what your customers are ideally looking for.

By ascertaining what the primary keywords are that your customers are searching for, you will be in a great position to work out a product which will answer their needs.

Check out the main phrases which people input in the key search engines, and this will support you to develop an industry-related product which meets those needs.

Developing your ideal product

Once you know what your product will be, you simply have to set some time apart to develop it. Creating your product can seem daunting, but the chances are you know what you want to say, based upon your customer’s needs.

Back up any claims that you make with research, and make sure your product is proofed well so that it doesn’t contain any errors.

This process is as important for free downloads as it is for paid-for items, as no-one likes to feel that they have wasted their time needlessly downloading something which the creator hasn’t taken care over.

Providing a quality free product will make your customers feel loyal towards you, encouraging them to come back again and again. Possibly making purchases the next time they visit your site.

Launching your product

Once you have your product, you need to make sure you market it well both on and offline. Harness all of your resources to make sure you tell everyone around you what you are offering.

By creating a Facebook presence, tweeting about your product, and marketing it well, you will generate as much publicity around your product as possible. This will support a strong customer interest and get your product off the ground.

Keeping your product updated

Once your product has been up and running for a while, remember to keep it updated and refreshed from time to time. Keep abreast of changes in your industry, linking them back to your product.

Each time you update or revise your product, you are in an ideal position to market it once again to new and existing customers, keeping it interesting and bringing it to people’s attention over and over again.

That’s the end of this blog expert series. I hope you have enjoyed all the posts and thanks for reading / commenting on them.

Here’s the links to the previous Blog Expert Series posts:

Blog Expert Series: The Surprising Decision 77% Of Bloggers Get Wrong

Blog Expert Series: Be The Blog Every Blogger Envies

Blog Expert Series: Give Your Blog The X Factor

Blog Expert Series: Ridiculous or Outrageous?

Blog Expert Series: Get Your Readers Begging For More!

Blog Expert Series: Does Stripping Down Stress You Out?

Blog Expert Series: Do Not Dump Your Blog
