Affiliate Commission: Make More With This Plugin

Since installing this plugin I’ve made more affiliate commission and recouped my money back by approx 10 times…watch the short video to see how…

The transcript of the video is below.

Here’s the affiliate commission plugin link: Ninja Affiliate

The Transcript:

Hello there, Andrew Rondeau from webuildyourblog and in this short video I’m gonna share with you one of the ways which I make money as an affiliate and that’s what I do on my blog.

One of the ways I do make money selling other people’s products, affiliate links and I only recommend products which I personally use on my own blog or my client’s blogs and in the bottom of my blog, I’ve also got an affiliate disclosure just to show that that’s exactly what I do.

So, here’s my affiliate disclosure play page and it basically tells you I make commissions from products which I mention and review on my blog.

So, this particular plugin which I’m now gonna recommend, which helps build your own affiliate sales is a product called MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate and it’s a WordPress plugin.

You do have to buy it, so if you buy it via this video, via my link, yes, I shall make some commission, so I’m just being upfront with you in saying that.

But, it’s a great little tool because what it does, it automatically, once you’ve installed it, you can activate it at once.

What it does is, it creates backlinks and it creates links to your affiliate products which are recommended within your blog posts automatically.

So, once you’ve installed it, once you’ve set it up, you can give it the keywords which you want to monitor and then you can say to it, within each blog post, randomly pick one of the keywords which you set up to become a backlink to uh, or a link, should I say to an affiliate product.

But the good thing about the product is that, it’s not just about links to affiliate products, you can use it as backlinks to other blog posts within your own blog or other sites and create backlinks automatically every time you add a blog post.

If I come down here, here’s a recent blog post of mine, How to Create a Super Effective Squeeze page and what if, once it comes up, while I show you, if I scroll down here, you’ll see that there is a, a link and I’ve told the, the plugin, the Ninja Affiliate Plugin to say whenever you see Blogging Guide create a link to it and go to this particular site.

So if I click on blogging guide, what that would do is open up my free income blogging guide where people can sign up and opt in to get it.

So if people see that link within the blog post. Some people will click on that and go in and opt in to the guide.

Now, that’s not an affiliate thing but that just shows that that is a backlink to my free squeeze page and my free squeeze page is only been up a matter of weeks and it’s already a pagerank 2.

And one of the reasons for that is because that I’m creating this automatic backlinks using the Ninja Affiliate Plugin.

But the main reason behind the Ninja Affiliate Plugin is obviously affiliate links.

So if I come down, further down here, you’ll see that I’ve got an affiliate link here for the squeeze thing. We used the squeeze thing to create this opt in, so all I’ve done within the new Ninja Affiliate Product is say every time you see squeeze theme link it to my affiliate link for the squeeze frame page so if someone clicks on the squeeze theme from my blog over to here, they will come to here and this is my, if someone then goes ahead, that’s an affiliate link and I get some commission.

So if I come back here, I think I’ve set it up, that there’s only 2 links per blog.

Because what it would do is, so, let’s say you add a hundred keyword phrases to the plugin, what it and you can say to it, we’ll only pick two random ones and if they’re in the blog post and try and convert them into links.

So what in this particular post, it’s gone through the particular post and said, right, what particular keyword phrases I’ve got setup in the Ninja Affiliate Product, in the plugin. Oh, I’ve got blogging guide set up therefore I create a link from blogging guide. Oh I’ve got squeeze thing set up therefore I’ll create a link for squeeze theme as well. And I’ve set it up so that there’s only 2 links per, per blog post because you can have as many as you want but obviously I don’t want it to be spammy so I would reckon, if you do go ahead and purchase it, you just have 1 or 2 links only per blog post.

So, if I go back and I show you another example, hopefully I’m explaining this as so it’s easy for you to understand and if only I’ll come down and come down to another one, here’s one.

What is an add-on domain? Another recent blog post.

And if it opens up, excuse me, and you’ll see that in here, I’ve got one called traffic so I’ve set up in Ninja Affiliate Products the, the plugin I’ve set up, a keyword just traffic and if people click on that, that goes to one of my products. And my product is all about generating traffic to your site so that opens up a new page and this is one of my products which people can buy.

So if I go back to the actual blog site, so that’s automatically set up. If it sees the word traffic and I’ve also got here BlueHost. So I use BlueHost for a lot of my web domains. So, again, if I click on BlueHost, that will open up a page which is my affiliate link for BlueHost. So if someone comes here and buys a domain via BlueHost, I will get an affiliate commission for that.

So as I say, you install it, you add all of the keywords which you require and the links where you want them to go to. And you can make them no follow or follow and on the ones where you wanna create link backs or backlinks to certain pages, you can do that.

And if you want it to be an affiliate link, you can do an affiliate link as well. And it’s all automatic, it will randomly take your keywords, look at your blog posts, see if any of the keywords which you set-up within the plug-in are within your blog posts.

And if they are and in my particular case, it will convert two of them into links and as I say, you can have 3, 4, 5, 6 but I would just recommend one or two and it’s random, totally random.

So in this particular blog post, it could have picked any other keywords which I’ve got here, but it just, it just happen to choose traffic and BlueHost. Another time, it might have picked something else, if I’ve set them up as keyword phrases within the actual plugin.

Since installing the plugin which was last July, I got my money back via the affiliate links that I set up within weeks and it’s all automatic.

You install it, you setup your keywords, forget about it, just see the affiliate paypal and different cheques come in and it’s great.

Obviously it depends on how much traffic you get, it depends on what products you are recommending and all that sort of thing, which determines how much income you’re gonna get.

The fact that I like it is a, you set it up once, you can tweak with your keywords and it’s all automatic.

Oh, one more thing, if you install it today, it retrospectively changes all of your blog posts as well so it’s not just forward blog posts.

So if you go and install it today, if you’ve got 500 blog posts already on your site and published. It will go and change all of those with regards to the keyword phrases which you’ve installed within the plugin and convert them into links, which is great because all people are always looking at your old posts and that sort of thing. So it’s not just forward posts.

Well, that’s it. Go to the link underneath this video, you can go over to the page and buy it, obviously, if you do, I’d get a commission, I am an affiliate of it, but I recommend it because I use it and I’ve very easily, I don’t know exactly but I would say that I easily get my money back each month from the initial outlay of buying the actual plugin in the first place, so July till now is I don’t know, 9 months, off the top of my head, so my, I’ve got 9 months and also 9 times my money back plus my initial outlay.

So, yeah, a great tool.

See you soon.

That’s it. And go over and buy it, I thoroughly recommend it, speak to you soon, all the best.


Here’s the affiliate commission plugin link: Ninja Affiliate


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9 Responses to Affiliate Commission: Make More With This Plugin

  1. Chris Peterson February 3, 2010 at 12:15 pm #

    So many WordPress Plugin available in current period. But I used WordPress Affiliate ClickBank Plugin which is unique. But after going through this Plugin I think it will give good productive then others.

    • Andrew Rondeau February 3, 2010 at 4:11 pm #


      it is a good plugin – especially for internal backlinks.


  2. Anne Moss February 4, 2010 at 4:05 pm #

    Will look into this one, though I’m wary of selling any product on “auto pilot”. I prefer to recommend what I think I want to sell.
    .-= Anne Moss´s last blog ..Weight Loss Motivation =-.

    • Andrew Rondeau February 4, 2010 at 4:11 pm #


      In that case you only set up the keywords to link to products you want to sell.

      The automation bit is the fact that it takes the keyword phrase from the plugin and then ‘converts’ the same phrase from within the blog post to a link.

      I hope that makes sense.


  3. Jason February 5, 2010 at 6:34 pm #

    This is a very interesting concept for a plugin. I personally like that it’s automated. It definitely looks like it’s worth a try, especially if you are almost guaranteed to make your money back on it because then there’s really no risk.
    .-= Jason@Toronto Movers´s last blog ..Regina Movers =-.

    • Andrew Rondeau February 6, 2010 at 7:39 am #


      It’s certainly worth a try and I got my money back pretty quickly but it’s not guaranteed, of course.


  4. Dr. Robert Doebler August 30, 2011 at 4:47 am #

    Thanks for sharing. It seems like a good plug-in. I don’t have problems buying plug-ins as long as it’s worth it. I’ll check this out!

  5. julidarma July 7, 2012 at 6:51 pm #

    Thanks for sharing. So far I use the plugin in free version. I don’t know before if this plugin has the affiliate program. May be next time I upgrade this plugin to get more profit.

    • Andrew July 9, 2012 at 4:25 am #

      I didn’t know there was a free version.


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