Simply put, an add on domain allows you to share your web space and web hosting across more than one website. This means you don’t have the expense of buying more web hosting as you can have more than one website run from the same place. It also means that your accounts are all from the same place – no extra log ins, passwords and user names to remember. Everything is controlled from the same place which makes everything so much easier to maintain.
To have an add on domain you first need to have an original domain. Once you are logged into this you should be able to configure it for your add on domain. Depending on the company that you used to registered the domain with the process will vary. It should however be very simple to do and will usually be found under the control panel section of your web hosting service.
Both websites are independent in their own right however they are saved to the same server. For this reason you also need to bear in mind that any files uploaded and any visitors that you get to either site will affect your web space and your bandwidth. They do however have their own FTP access, their own web statistics and their own email address. These are usually found under your main control panel and will need to be separate when you are checking stats, looking at traffic numbers, etc.
Some web hosting companies will limit the number of add on domains that are available to you. You should check with their terms and conditions to see how many of these you are allowed to set up.
There are a number of benefits to having an add on domain rather than a separate one. You can create several domains under the same web hosting log in details and it can save you money as you don’t have to pay out for numerous web hosting services. The add on domain still has its own site statistics, storage bins and its own FTP manager. You can still upload forums, photos, and other files to either of the domains.
The process for setting up an add on domain will vary but generally you will need to:
- Register your new domain with a domain name register
- Allow up to 48 hours for this to settle before uploading any files
- Log into your main control panel, and click “add on domains”
- Fill in the details needed – Usually New domain, username and password
- A few minutes later you should be set up and you can start to upload your files
As you can see it is worth while setting up an add on domain and as long as you know your way around your websites control panel it is relatively simple to set up.
This saves you money in the long run and is well worth considering if you plan to own more than one website.
I personally use and recommend BlueHost. For just $6.95 per month and $10 per year per domain you can have as many domain names as you wish.
One domain and hosting will cost you $83.40 per year. Two domains just $93.40, three $103.40 and so on.
Do you use add-on domains? Share your views in the comments below.
This always confused me in the early days when I was trying to figure out how to add an extra domain to my hosting account. I could never figure out if it was an add-on domain or a subdomain. For some reason, I would always create the opposite of what I wanted.
.-= Paula from Affiliate Blog Online´s last blog ..Our Secrets for Success: How to Get to the Next Level in Your Online Business =-.
“One domain and hosting will cost you $83.40 per year. Two domains just $93.40, three $103.40 and so on.”
Why are you paying extra if you have free add-ons?
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..The Time Has Come. The Deal Is Done. It’s Time To Move!! =-.
For the actual Domain name registration.
Oh, right, duh lol
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..The Time Has Come. The Deal Is Done. It’s Time To Move!! =-.
Nice blog. I respect that the author of this website wants decent comments on his or her blog. So, I thought I would give some domain advice for the readers. When selecting your domain you will need to be clever with the name. If you’re targeting a niche opportunity, then pick a domain that is identical to your targeted keyphrase. If you’re doing your own branding, then select something catchy.
Thanks, Nick for sharing a decent comment and your views.
Really appreciate it.
It’s nice to know that a well known blogger is also using the same web host that i’m using. Makes me feel that i have chosen the right host for my site. Thanks for sharing