photo credit: nettsu

Over the past few years, I’ve seen hundreds of blogs being set up, run for a few months, and then shelved to languish unloved in the virtual world.

These blogs always fail for the same reasons, and it’s disappointing for both the owner and the creator when a blog with great potential and possibilities doesn’t flourish and grow as it should.

I’ve learned that there are three principle reasons for blogs failing, and these three elements (which conveniently begin with A, B and C!) are consistently missing when a blog fails to be successful.

The ABC of blogging really does come down to three basic words – Activities, Belief and Commitment.

No matter how much of a seasoned blogger you may be, it’s always worth keeping these three principles for best practice in mind.


It’s a sad fact of online entrepreneurialism that blogs don’t run themselves.

If they did, all of those blogs that fall by the wayside would be going from strength to strength right now, instead of dying off through neglect!

When we blog, we have a set number of tasks that we need to undertake regularly to make sure that we keep our site current, relevant and useful for our customers.

These activities include:

  • Logging in at least once a day to read any comments and respond to them promptly
  • Checking our messages to see if we have any questions from potential customers, and answering them
  • Updating the blog with an article or video posting
  • Visiting other sites and making comments with links back to our own blog
  • Clearing spam and junk comments
  • Updating our social network with comments, links and information

This may sound like a lot, but with just a few minutes set aside every day as part of a routine, the activities will be done before you even settle down for a day’s work!


One of the major stumbling blocks for online success always seems to come down to a belief in your blog, and an unswerving confidence in your own ability to make your blog work, and the ability of your blog to flourish within your chosen industry.

A lack of confidence and vision will soon lead you to losing faith in what you are doing, resulting in your blog being ditched in favour of more immediately obvious returns on investment.

Having a firm belief in the process, your ability to make it work, and the fact that your site will bring long-term benefits is really key to ongoing success.


No matter how great a blogger you are, how entertaining your posts may be, or how well you have identified and then tapped in to a successful niche for your online enterprise, you won’t succeed unless you really commit to your site.

This involves setting time apart every day to develop it, putting in place contingency plans to keep it current during time off or holidays, and staying committed to it long after the initial interest has worn off.

The best blogs out there are owned by people who understand the importance of a long-term strategy, and commit fully to their site. Whether you blog for business, a hobby, interest or as your primary income stream, your level of commitment needs to remain constant.

So! There’s my take on the ABC of blogging – the three critical elements that we all need to keep in mind when we make a success of our online venture. If you can think of any other things which are just as key, let me know in the comments below and I’ll add them in to the mix!

They don’t have to be alphabetical, by the way…