50 things you just didn’t know about me

My wife, Joy, and I in kenya

My wife, Joy, and I in kenya

Thought I’d have a bit of fun today and share with you 50 things you just didn’t know about me:

1. I met my wife on a blind date

2…I proposed on Valentines day 4 months later

3…we got married 7 months later

4…and we argued almost every day on honeymoon!

5…and we celebrated 25 years marriage this year

6. I was born on a council estate in London

7. I like to cook in my spare time

8…and my favourite dish to cook is a roast dinner

9 When I was 15 while playing football, I twisted my knee and the knee cap went right round to the side of my leg…

10…. numerous Doctors surrounded me because they had never seen anything like it before!

11. I love chocolate and Belgian beer

12. I have one tattoo. My wife’s name “Joy” in Hindi on my forearm

13. My wife and I are learning to ballroom and latin dance

14…We can dance the Waltz, Quickstep, Jive, Tango, Foxtrot, Samba, Rumba

15. I started my on-line business 3 years ago while working full-time

16…and left the 9-5 corporate world earlier this year

17. I also blog about self-development and Management: Manager Skill

18.I dropped out of university after one year – I wanted to earn money

19. When I was 17 I had 4 part-time jobs as well as being at school

20. I managed my son’s football team for many years and we won several cups

21. My favorite band of all time is Earth, Wind and Fire.

22…and I always go if they tour the UK

23. I am a Pisces

24. I go for a walk for 30 minutes every morning

25. My wife and I have 2 children

26. I say “no worries” a lot

27. I’d love to be able to sing but I am actually useless

28. I don’t particularly enjoy writing yet I write almost every day for this blog and other blogs. In fact, English was my weakest subject in school.

29. I love buying books and have stacks I never get round to reading

30. I adore food especially puddings like apple crumble and custard

31. I love getting up early and working – sometimes 4.30am

32. I don’t watch too much TV but I do like Strictly Come Dancing

33. My wife and I play badminton every week

34. I have 2 brothers and sisters – all older than me

35. Mon nom, Rondeau, est français

36…but I can’t speak French

37. My first car was a Mini

38…and now I drive a S-Type Jaguar

39. I recently gave up my $250k corporate job

40… to become a full-time internet thingy

41. I have only ever lived in two places – London and Worthing

42. I love wearing striped shirts

43…but sometimes just wear shorts to work

44. I love making lists

45…and crossing things off when completed

46. I’ve been a Chelsea football fan since I was 5

47. My dad was a scrap metal dealer, and in the early days I went out with him on his horse and cart

48. I am hopeless at spelling

49…and my wife proof reads all my written work

50. My favourite film is BIG with Tom Hanks. Here’s the trailer. Bet you have to laugh!


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18 Responses to 50 things you just didn’t know about me

  1. Happy maker November 3, 2009 at 10:11 am #

    This is great! It is nice to know the little things about a person. Really appreciate you sharing. When it comes to football I like the Denver Bronco’s myself. By the way I hope your knee is ok now and hasn’t given you to much problem through the years.
    As for the spelling, I know how that feels. However I have found that with practice you get better.
    When I was in the 3rd grade I was really good at memorizing words. My teacher thought I was a good speller. Sent me to the spelling contest. One the first word my mind went blank.( the word was this I spelled it theis) Mom was pretty disappointed, me I was glad it was over with.
    thank again for sharing.


    • Andrew Rondeau November 4, 2009 at 1:25 am #


      Thanks for dropping by!

      My knee cap still ‘pops out’ every now and then. It’s quite funny. First time I did it, my whole leg was in plaster for 6 weeks. Second time, the hospital just popped it back and sent me home. The third time, they said “Why you here?”

      I have to wear a knee brace thing whenever I play sport.


  2. Gerlaine November 3, 2009 at 11:29 am #

    I am a fan of your “no worries” theme and love it when you skype it to me. I love being a full time internet thingy! It is the bomb! Oh yes and I found a home. I will do a video later. Much love. 🙂

    • Andrew Rondeau November 4, 2009 at 1:13 am #

      Well done on finding a home. Excellent news!


  3. Reed November 4, 2009 at 6:23 am #

    Giving up a 250k job to do internet stuff is no joke! Awesome.

    • Andrew Rondeau November 5, 2009 at 7:16 am #


      It’s taken a lot of hard work and time to get to the position to be able to give it up and I don’t regret it for one minute!

      Thanks for dropping by.


  4. Terrence November 12, 2009 at 6:14 am #

    Hi Andrew,

    Truly genuine and honest self personal review… Seldom had we seen this in any blogs or webs… Thank you for realizing someone called ‘myself’…


    • Andrew Rondeau November 12, 2009 at 8:56 am #

      Thanks Terrence.

      I think I should do more of this type of blog post.


  5. deniseoyston February 2, 2010 at 3:18 pm #

    Now who says twitter does not work!. Whilst browsing. I saw your face and thought I would click on you! here I am and just about to buy a couple of products. Even though you are a Chelsea fan!

    I think I need to nick your 50 things Idea great.

    I will be back!!


    .-= deniseoyston@onlinemarketingcumbria´s last blog ..Web site Marketing: Are You Making These 3 Crazy Mistakes? =-.

    • Andrew Rondeau February 3, 2010 at 4:11 pm #


      Nice to see you here!

      Yeah, go ahead and steal the 50 things idea. Let me know when done and I’ll come over see all about you!


  6. Will July 29, 2010 at 4:08 am #

    I checked your blog out after seeing a comment you made over at the Smart Passive Income blog, and I’m glad I did.
    We have a few things in common. I worked three jobs while going to school, and asked my wife to marry me after we’d only been dating a short while.
    In regards to #27 on your list, you should know that I’ve only met one person in my life that sings worse than I used to. He was horrible, but only marginally more horrible than I once was. I’ve wanted to sing since I was a six year old, so when I was nineteen I bought a microphone and studied recordings of myself until I learned how. I spent the next twenty years as a professional singer/songwriter. The moral? If you want something bad enough, you can achieve it. I’m now using that same drive and determination to become successful as an Internet marketer.
    I’m looking forward to reading your posts and learning from you.

    • Andrew July 29, 2010 at 12:21 pm #


      Thanks for dropping by. It does look like we have a few things in common.

      Re: Singing – my voice is so bad – I don’t think I could do anything with it!

      Hope to see you again.


  7. nkiro June 20, 2011 at 8:55 pm #

    i come a cross your blog and was attracted by your photo.this is so informative for a new bloger like me and i should admit your a great writer.

    • Andrew June 21, 2011 at 9:32 am #


      Thanks for those kind words.

      I see you are from Kenya…I visited there on holiday a couple of years ago. Beautiful.


  8. Robert Doebler June 25, 2011 at 6:26 pm #

    Hi Andrew,
    You kept the post so simple and so brilliant. I’m inspired, maybe I should also try jotting down what others don’t know about me but of course, I’m not publishing it. The kneecap story was interesting because its a very rare case, all these years I’ve not seen a case like that. You were lucky to get away with that Andrew.

    • Andrew June 28, 2011 at 2:27 pm #


      I can tell you…it was very painful!

      It has actually happened a couple times since as well.


  9. Step by Step February 8, 2012 at 11:55 am #

    @Andrew Rondeau

    Really an interesting post to get you know more about you personal.Its first time I see that some blog and web owners shares his life and personal things with readers of their blog.


    Amelie Wakelin


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